Previously, Infinite’s L released a teaser on April 12 titled “L’s Bravo Viewtiful” and many fans were busy scratching their heads trying to guess what it was hinting. Well, the guess is now over!
It turns out that L will release a photo essay titled “L’s Bravo Viewtiful.” It’s a collection from his ninety-three days capturing the world around him. He wants people to see him as not the celebrity L, but just a normal man in his early twenties sharing his story.
Woollim Entertainment stated, “Infinite’s L loves photography to the point that the first thing he purchased after receiving his first paycheck post debut was a camera. He recently has been spending time with professional photographers and is seriously studying the art.”
His agency continued, “[We] Can’t critique his skill and the quality of the photographs, but he has captured the seriousness and honesty of the subjects so please look forward to it.”
“L’s Bravo Viewtiful” will be released in May.
It turns out that L will release a photo essay titled “L’s Bravo Viewtiful.” It’s a collection from his ninety-three days capturing the world around him. He wants people to see him as not the celebrity L, but just a normal man in his early twenties sharing his story.
Woollim Entertainment stated, “Infinite’s L loves photography to the point that the first thing he purchased after receiving his first paycheck post debut was a camera. He recently has been spending time with professional photographers and is seriously studying the art.”
His agency continued, “[We] Can’t critique his skill and the quality of the photographs, but he has captured the seriousness and honesty of the subjects so please look forward to it.”
“L’s Bravo Viewtiful” will be released in May.
Sebelumnya, Infinite L merilis teaser pada 12 April 2013 berjudul "L's Bravo Viewtiful" dan banyak penggemar yang sibuk menggaruk-garuk kepala mencoba menebak itu mengisyaratkan apa. Nah, kira-kira sekarang berakhir!
Ternyata L akan merilis sebuah esai foto berjudul "L's Bravo Viewtiful." Ini adalah koleksi dari 93 harinya menangkap dunia di sekelilingnya. Dia ingin orang-orang melihat dia sebagai bukan selebriti L, tetapi hanya pria normal di awal dua puluhan yang berbagi cerita.
Woollim Entertainment menyatakan, " L menyukai fotografi ke titik bahwa hal pertama yang ia beli setelah menerima gaji pertama debutnya adalah kamera. Dia baru-baru ini telah menghabiskan waktu dengan fotografer profesional dan serius mempelajari seni. "
Agensinya melanjutkan, "[Kami] Tidak bisa mengkritik keterampilan dan kualitas foto-foto, tapi dia telah menangkap keseriusan dan kejujuran dari subyek jadi silahkan lihat ke depan untuk itu."
"L's Bravo Viewtiful" akan dirilis pada bulan Mei 2013.
#Wah Daebakkkk
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