First script reading took place for SBS drama series UGLY WARNING (literal title of "Motnani Joouibo") earlier this month at SBS Prism Tower in Sangamdong, Seoul. The entire main cast including Lim Ju-Hwan, Kang So-Ra, Choi Tae-Joon & Choi Yoon-Young attended the script reading. The drama series first had the title of "Bravo My Life," but later changed to "Motnani Joouibo" (literally UGLY WARNING).

UGLY WARNING first airs May 20, 2013 in South Korea (takes over the Mon-Fri time slot currently occupied by "The Birth of a Family").

Pembacaan naskah pertama telah berlangsung untuk drama SBS  UGLY WARNING(judul harfiah "Motnani Joouibo") awal bulan ini di SBS Prism Tower  Sangamdong, Seoul.

Seluruh pemain utama termasuk Lim Ju-Hwan, Kang So-Ra, Choi Tae-Joon & Choi Yoon-Young  menghadiri pembacaan naskah.

Drama seri pertama memiliki judul "Bravo My Life," tetapi kemudian berubah menjadi "Motnani Joouibo" (PERINGATAN harfiah JELEK). 

UGLY  WARNING  pertama mengudara 20 Mei 2013 di Korea Selatan (mengambil alih Sslot waktu yang sekarang ditempati oleh "The Birth of a Family")

# Pemain cowoknya wajah baru nech kayaknya , asyik fresssh :)


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