INFINITE‘s L‘s photo essay book ‘L’s BRAVO VIEWTIFUL‘ sold out immediately upon release!

Woollim Entertainment also shared good news to fans who weren’t able to get their hands on a copy revealing, “L’s photo essay book ‘L’s BRAVO VIEWTIFUL’s first edition sold out and we are currently discussing on printing additional copies. L wants to give his message of gratitude to the readers who showed a lot of interest on his photo essay.”

Preorders for ‘L’s BRAVO VIEWTIFUL’ began on April 25th and immediately ranked #1 in online bookstore pre-orders. The photo essay book also entered the national bestsellers list at #13.

Congrats, L!

Buku Essai Foto L Infinite ‘BRAVO VIEWTIFUL' langsung terjual habis setelah Rilis .

Woollim Entertainment juga berbagi kabar baik bagi fans yang tidak bisa membeli buku mereka dengan mengungkapkan, "edisi pertama buku esai foto L " BRAVO Viewtiful'  terjual habis dan kami sedang membahas tentang mencetak salinan tambahan. L ingin memberikan pesan  syukurnya kepada pembaca yang menunjukkan banyak cinta pada esai fotonya. "

Preorders untuk 'L's BRAVO Viewtiful' dimulai pada 25 April dan segera menjadi peringkat # 1 di toko buku online pre-order. Buku esai foto juga masuk daftar buku terlaris nasional di peringkat # 13.

 Chukaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  LLL

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