Lee Min Ho’s Fans Celebrate His 7th Debut Anniversary

Lee Min Ho‘s fans from all over the world are sending him congratulatory messages regarding the 7th anniversary since his debut. Lee Min Ho made his official debut in May 2006 through the EBS teen drama “Secret Campus.”

Members of Lee Min Ho’s worldwide fan club MINOZ are uniformly cheering for Lee Min Ho and celebrating his debut anniversary in numerous different languages. A representative from Lee Min Ho’s agency commented, “Lee Min Ho’s fans from Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia,as well as from the Americas and Europe are coming together, celebrating his debut with messages of harmony and love.”

Lee Min Ho’s Korean fans have prepared another video billboard event, which they started doing 4 years ago. They have rented four major video billboards on landmark buildings in Seoul to play video messages and clips from Lee Min Ho’s dramas. Moreover, his Japanese fans are running wrapping buses promoting and celebrating Lee Min Ho’s world tour concert, as well as the 7th anniversary of his debut. These buses run through the heart of Seoul, showcasing a large picture of Lee Min Ho and a message that reads, “I’m coming to meet my fans all over the world.”

Meanwhile, his Chinese fans gathered money and goods worth approximately 30 million Korean won to donate to victims of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan Province, China, under Lee Min Ho’s name. Fans in Turkey also prepared a special event. They prepared a message in laser that reads “Happy 7th Debut Anniversary Lee Min Ho! MINOZ Turkey will always Love and Support You!” across the Bosphorus Bridge, which connects Europe and Asia. Fans in other countries like USA, Thailand, Indonesia, and so on also sent loving messages celebrating Lee Min Ho’s career.

The messages said, “Shining star Lee Min Ho, we cheer for you,” “We hope to stay with you until your 70th debut anniversary,” “We love your sincere acting,” “I want to spend the rest of my life with you as MINOZ,” and “You make me lose my breath with just one look.” In addition, many messages were cheering Lee Min Ho and wishing him luck in his upcoming drama “Heirs.”

Meanwhile, Lee Min Ho will be releasing an album,”My Everything,” dedicated to his loving and supportive fans from all over the world and begin his very first world tour starting at the end of May. He thanked his fans via SNS saying, “Lucky 7! Thank you so much for all your congratulations.”

Penggemar Lee Min Ho dari seluruh dunia mengirimkana pesan ucapan selamat ulang tahun ke-7 sejak debutnya. Lee Min Ho membuat debut resmi pada Mei 2006 melalui EBS drama remaja "Secret Campus."

Anggota fans club Lee Min Ho di seluruh dunia  MINOZ secara serempak mengucapan selamat dan merayakan  untuk Lee Min Ho  dalam berbagai bahasa yang berbeda. Seorang wakil dari agen Lee Min Ho berkomentar, "penggemar Lee Min Ho dari Korea, Jepang, Cina, Thailand, Vietnam, Filipina, Indonesia, serta dari Amerika dan Eropa  bersama-sama, merayakan debutnya dengan pesan harmoni dan cinta. "

Fans Korea Lee Min Ho telah mempersiapkan acara lain billboard video, yang mereka mulai lakukan 4 tahun yang lalu. Mereka telah menyewa empat billboard video utama pada bangunan landmark di Seoul untuk menayangkan pesan video dan klip dari drama Lee Min Ho. Selain itu, fans Jepang menjalankan bus mempromosikan dan merayakan konser tur dunia Lee Min Ho, serta ulang tahun ke-7 debutnya. Bus ini berjalan melalui jantung kota Seoul, menampilkan gambar besar Lee Min Ho dan pesan yang berbunyi, "Aku datang untuk bertemu fans saya di seluruh dunia."

Sementara itu, penggemar Cinanya mengumpulkan  uang dan barang senilai sekitar 30 juta won Korea untuk disumbangkan ke korban gempa mematikan di Provinsi Sichuan, Cina, dengan nama Lee Min Ho. Fans di Turki juga menyiapkan acara khusus. Mereka menyiapkan pesan dalam laser yang berbunyi “Happy 7th Debut Anniversary Lee Min Ho! MINOZ Turkey will always Love and Support You!”.

Melintasi Jembatan Bosphorus, yang menghubungkan Eropa dan Asia. Fans di negara-negara lain seperti Amerika Serikat, Thailand, Indonesia, dan seterusnya juga mengirim pesan penuh kasih merayakan karir Lee Min Ho.

Pesan berkata, "Bersinarlah Bintat Lee Min Ho, kami bersorak untuk Anda,“Shining star Lee Min Ho, we cheer for you,” “We hope to stay with you until your 70th debut anniversary,” “We love your sincere acting,” “I want to spend the rest of my life with you as MINOZ,” dan “You make me lose my breath with just one look.”

Selain itu, banyak pesan disampaikan untuk  Lee Min Ho dan berharap dia beruntung dalam drama mendatang  " The Heirs "

Sementara itu, Lee Min Ho akan merilis sebuah album, "My Everything," didedikasikan untuk penggemar yang mencintai dan mendukung nya dari seluruh dunia dan memulai tur dunia pertamanya yang akan dimulai pada akhir Mei. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih para penggemarnya melalui SNS mengatakan,  “Lucky 7! Thank you so much for all your congratulations.”

#Chukaeeee oppaaaaaaaa moga makin sukseeess :)


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