The police has arrested the hacker who hacked Core Contents Media‘s website.

While trying to navigate through the site yesterday, fans noticed random video clips being presented on the site which you can read more about here.

The label revealed, “The hacker related to the hacking situation on our official company homepage has been arrested. As soon as the situation happened, we reported it to the police. The hacker was arrested and investigated on May 16 at the Gangnam Police Station’s Cyber Investigations Squad and completed a statement. The hacker is a 17 year old high school student living in Gangwondo Wonju.”

The hacker is apparently a student who learned about computer security programs, and then was asked by his friends if hacking the site was possible. The hacker confessed that the hacking was done out of curiosity. The hacker and his mother went to Core Contents Media’s office to formally apologize.

Core Contents Media said, “We were going to take strong legal action because of previous attempts. But since the hacker is a young student, we are debating on what we should do. We will make a decision later.”

Currently, CCM’s official homepage is still down.

Polisi telah menangkap hacker yang menghack situs Core Contents Media.

Ketika mencoba untuk menavigasi melalui situs kemarin, penggemar melihat klip video acak yang disajikan di situs .

Label mengungkapkan, "hacker yang berkaitan dengan situasi hacking pada situs perusahaan resmi kami telah ditangkap. Begitu situasi yang terjadi, kami melaporkan ke polisi. Hacker ditangkap dan diselidiki pada 16 Mei di Kantor Polisi Gangnam Cyber ​​Investigasi Squad dan menyelesaikan sebuah pernyataan. Hacker adalah seorang siswa SMA berusia 17 tahun yang tinggal di Gangwondo Wonju. "

Hacker ini ternyata seorang mahasiswa yang belajar tentang program keamanan komputer, dan kemudian diminta oleh teman-temannya jika hack situs itu mungkin. Hacker mengaku bahwa hacking dilakukan karena penasaran. Para hacker dan ibunya pergi ke kantor Core Contents Media  untuk meminta maaf secara resmi.

Core Contents Media mengatakan, "Kami akan mengambil tindakan hukum yang kuat karena upaya sebelumnya. Tapi karena hacker adalah seorang mahasiswa muda, kita berdebat tentang apa yang harus kita lakukan. Kami akan membuat keputusan kemudian. "

Saat ini, situs resmi CCM masih

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