Onew, yang baru-baru terkena skandal dengan Jung Ah After School menyebabkan kegemparan lagi karena foto yang tertangkap paparazi menunjukkan bahwa dia sedang merokok Sigaret Elektronik.

Salah satu foto yang dirilis oleh outlet media tentang skandal kencan pasangan itu menunjukkan Onew mengisap rokok elektronik. Karena Image Innocent Onew selama ini dan usianya yang muda, foto telah mengejutkan bagi banyak netizens.

Foto-foto menjadi lebih buruk, karena foto muncul saat minggu lalu ia berada di bawah pengawasan karena insiden jari tengahnya . Namun, beberapa netizens telah berbicara dalam pembelaannya mengatakan bahwa merokok rokok elektronik bukan masalah besar.

#Hmmmmm No Coment dech :(

Onew caught smoking an electronic cigarette?

Onew, who was recently swept up in a scandal with Jungah, is causing another stir because of photos that surfaced showing him smoking an electronic cigarette.

One of the photos released by a media outlet about the pair’s dating scandal showed Onew puffing on an electronic cigarette. Because of Onew’s usual proper and young innocent image, the photo has been a shock to many netizens.

The photos couldn’t have come at a worse time, as he just last week he was under scrutiny because of his middle finger incident. However, some netizens have spoken up in his defense to say that smoking electronic cigarettes is not a big deal.

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