Infinite Tampil Untuk Vogue Korea
The charismatic and lovable members of INFINITE have recently posed for a fun photo shoot that is featured in “Vogue Korea.”
INFINITE has been promoting their successful song “Man In Love,” which has been topping music charts all over the Web. For “Vogue Korea,” INFINITE showed off their energetic, sporty and playful charms.
It is said that like the dancing machine that he is, Hoya kept dancing every time the camera flashed before him. Woohyun showed off a cool knee-kick and continued to jump around without getting tired in order to get that perfect cut. L also shared that he liked the boxing concept of the photo shoot since they’ve never done that before.
This full photo shoot of INFINITE in “Vogue Korea” will be released on April 20 and be carried in the May issue.
Para anggota karismatik dan dicintai yakni INFINITE baru-baru ini berpose untuk pemotretan menyenangkan yang ditampilkan dalam "Vogue Korea."
INFINITE telah mempromosikan lagu sukses mereka "Man In Love," yang telah menjai jawara di berbagai Chart i seluruh Web. Untuk "Vogue Korea," INFINITE memamerkan pesona energik, sporty dan lucu mereka.
Konon seperti mesin Hoya terus menari setiap kali kamera melintas di hadapannya. Woohyun memamerkan tendangan lututnya yang keren dan terus melompat-lompat tanpa lelah untuk mendapatkan yang pemotreran sempurna. L juga berbagi bahwa ia menyukai konsep tinju dari pemotretan karena mereka belum pernah melakukannya sebelumnya.
Pemotretan penuh INFINITE di "Vogue Korea" akan dirilis pada 20 April dan ditampilkan dalam edisi Mei.
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