SBS’ “All About My Romance” is receiving great attention from abroad. U.S. television network CBS visited the production site on April 18 and interviewed the drama’s deputy director, Kim Young Sup. Also, the CBS crew visited the filming site to document both on and off camera actions.

During the interview, CBS and Kim Young Sup discussed some of the primary factors behind the international popularity of Korean dramas. The interview lasted almost two hours. A staff member of the CBS crew commented, “We came to investigate why and how Korean dramas are reaching out to audiences all over the world. Since ‘All About My Romance’ combines politics and romance, we are very interested in this particular production.”

“All About My Romance” is a romantic comedy about two members from the ruling and opposition parties who begin to secretly develop a romantic relationship under the surveillance of the entire nation. The drama portrays with wit the specificity of the main characters’ occupations as members of the national assembly. The tangled romance between Shin Ha Kyun, Lee Min Jung, Park Hee Soon, and Han Chae Ah is also adding more dynamic to the plot.

Drama SBS’ “All About My Romance” menerima perhatian besar dari luar negeri. Televisi AS CBS mengunjungi tempat produksi drama pada 18 April 2013 dan mewawancarai wakil sutradara drama, Kim Young Sup.

Kru CBS juga mengunjungi lokasi syuting untuk mendokumentasikan dan menyaksikan  tindakan kamera.Selama wawancara, CBS dan Kim Young Sup membahas beberapa faktor utama di balik popularitas internasional drama Korea. Wawancara berlangsung hampir dua jam.

Seorang anggota staf dari kru CBS berkomentar, "Kami datang untuk menyelidiki mengapa dan bagaimana drama korea yang menjangkau khalayak seluruh dunia. Sejak 'All About My Romance' menggabungkan politik dan asmara ditayangkan kami sangat tertarik dalam produksi khusus ini. "

"All About My Romance" adalah sebuah komedi romantis tentang dua anggota dari partai berkuasa dan partai oposisi yang mulai diam-diam mengembangkan hubungan romantis di bawah pengawasan seluruh bangsa.

Drama ini menggambarkan dengan kecerdasan kekhususan pekerjaan karakter utama 'sebagai anggota majelis nasional.Cinta rumit antara Shin Ha Kyun, Lee Min Jung, Park Hee Soon, dan Han Chae Ah juga menambahkan lebih dinamis untuk plot drama.

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