We previously reported on May 21 that Son Ho Young‘s girlfriend was found dead in his car with a used briquet, an empty bottle of sleeping pills, and a suicide note. The suicide note contained phrases such as, “I had a lot of worries because of debt” and “I feel disappointed by Son Ho Young.” Both Son Ho Young and the family of the deceased were questioned for a couple of hours at the Gangnam Police Station.

Police announced the preliminary results of the autopsy performed on the deceased by the National Forensic Service and the cause of death has been found to be “gas poisoning” with no evidence of foul play.

The Gangnam Police added, “Specific final results will take about one to two weeks more but as it was suspected, it seems the deceased committed suicide. The investigation is virtually over.”

It’s also being reported that Son Ho Young was with the deceased’s family throughout the whole funeral and procession to Seoul Memorial Park.

Sebelumnya dilaporkan pada 21 Mei bahwa pacar Son Ho Young ditemukan tewas di mobilnya dengan briket , botol kosong pil tidur, dan catatan bunuh diri. Catatan bunuh diri yang terkandung frasa seperti, "Aku punya banyak kekhawatiran karena utang" dan "Saya merasa kecewa dengan Son Ho Young."  

Son Ho Young dan keluarga almarhum ditanyai selama beberapa jam di kantor polisi Gangnam

Polisi mengumumkan hasil awal otopsi yag dilakukan pada almarhum oleh Dinas Forensik Nasional dan penyebab kematian telah ditemukan untuk menjadi "keracunan gas" dengan tidak ada bukti kecurangan.

Polisi Gangnam menambahkan, "hasil akhir yang spesifik akan memakan waktu sekitar satu hingga dua minggu lebih tapi seperti yang diduga, tampaknya almarhum bunuh diri. Penyelidikan hampir berakhir. "

Ini juga sedang melaporkan bahwa Son Ho Young dengan keluarga almarhum di seluruh pemakaman dan prosesi ke Seoul Memorial Park.

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