Pillip Choi has added to the PR agent scandal by tweeting comments that seem to support their actions.
On June 25, the actor tweeted, "What is this In Depth 21? A group of fools? What are they playing at, digging into personal lives like this? The crazy XXXs."
He then added, "What makes you so clean? Tsk."
He was immediately hit with backlash from netizens, as his comments seemed to imply he was supporting the actions the PR agents had shown on the show.
At the wave of reactions, he soon deleted the controversial texts and tweeted, "I left the comments rashly without watching the episode in question. I′m sorry for causing such trouble."
The debate started when SBS′ In Depth 21, which aired on June 25, dug into how PR agents conduct themselves while on duty. The agents were shown drinking late into the night without their uniforms, and two agents, speculated to be Mighty Mouth′s Sangchoo and Se7en, were caught visiting a shady massage parlor.
On June 25, the actor tweeted, "What is this In Depth 21? A group of fools? What are they playing at, digging into personal lives like this? The crazy XXXs."
He then added, "What makes you so clean? Tsk."
He was immediately hit with backlash from netizens, as his comments seemed to imply he was supporting the actions the PR agents had shown on the show.
At the wave of reactions, he soon deleted the controversial texts and tweeted, "I left the comments rashly without watching the episode in question. I′m sorry for causing such trouble."
The debate started when SBS′ In Depth 21, which aired on June 25, dug into how PR agents conduct themselves while on duty. The agents were shown drinking late into the night without their uniforms, and two agents, speculated to be Mighty Mouth′s Sangchoo and Se7en, were caught visiting a shady massage parlor.
Pillip Choi telah masuk dalam kontroversi skandal agen PR dengan tweeting komentar yang tampaknya mendukung tindakan mereka.
Pada tanggal 25 Juni, aktor tweeted, "Apa ini In Depth 21? Sekelompok orang bodoh? Apa yang mereka mainkan, menggali kehidupan pribadi seperti ini? XXXs gila."
Dia kemudian menambahkan, "Apa yang membuatmu begitu bersih? Tsk."
Dia langsung terpukul dengan reaksi dari netizens, karena komentarnya sepertinya menyiratkan ia mendukung tindakan agen PR yang telah ditampilkan pada acara itu.
Pada gelombang reaksi, ia segera menghapus teks kontroversial dan tweeted, "Saya meninggalkan komentar gegabah tanpa menonton episode tersebut. Aku menyesal karena menyebabkan masalah tersebut."
Perdebatan dimulai ketika SBSIn Depth 21, yang disiarkan pada tanggal 25 Juni menggali bagaimana agen PR melakukan saat bertugas. Para agen ditunjukkan minum larut malam tanpa seragam mereka, dan dua agen yang terlibat dispekulasikan Sangchoo Mighty Mouth dan Se7en yang tertangkap mengunjungi panti pijat.
Pada tanggal 25 Juni, aktor tweeted, "Apa ini In Depth 21? Sekelompok orang bodoh? Apa yang mereka mainkan, menggali kehidupan pribadi seperti ini? XXXs gila."
Dia kemudian menambahkan, "Apa yang membuatmu begitu bersih? Tsk."
Dia langsung terpukul dengan reaksi dari netizens, karena komentarnya sepertinya menyiratkan ia mendukung tindakan agen PR yang telah ditampilkan pada acara itu.
Pada gelombang reaksi, ia segera menghapus teks kontroversial dan tweeted, "Saya meninggalkan komentar gegabah tanpa menonton episode tersebut. Aku menyesal karena menyebabkan masalah tersebut."
Perdebatan dimulai ketika SBSIn Depth 21, yang disiarkan pada tanggal 25 Juni menggali bagaimana agen PR melakukan saat bertugas. Para agen ditunjukkan minum larut malam tanpa seragam mereka, dan dua agen yang terlibat dispekulasikan Sangchoo Mighty Mouth dan Se7en yang tertangkap mengunjungi panti pijat.
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