Joining the battle between female idol groups, Jewelry will be making a comeback in July!

On June 27, Star Empire Entertainment announced that Jewelry will be making a comeback after 8 months with a digital single titled Hot & Cold.

In the teaser photo released, the girls posed elegantly, wearing heeled sneakers.

"Instead of focusing on sexiness or innocence, we decided to go for a bright and cute styling, different from other groups,” said the agency. “There’s also a bit of trot feel melted into Hot & Cold, making it also stand out from the other songs.”

The single will drop on July 5. 

Bergabung dengan pertempuran antara kelompok idola wanita,Jewelry akan membuat comeback di bulan Juli!

Pada tanggal 27 Juni, Star Empire Entertainment mengumumkan Jewelryyang akan membuat comeback setelah 8 bulan dengan single digital berjudul Hot & Cold.

Dalam foto teaser dirilis, gadis-gadis berpose elegan, memakai sepatu bertumit.

"Alih-alih berfokus pada keseksian atau gaya Innocent kami memutuskan untuk tmpil dengan styling cerah dan lucu, berbeda dengan kelompok lain," kata lembaga itu. Single ini akan dirilis pada tanggal 5 Juli.


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