Lee Joon cleared up rumors that tied him and 4minute′s Hyuna together.

The singer spoke up on the June 25 broadcast of SBS′ Hwashin.

When asked about his rumors with Hyuna, Lee Joon said, "Is it okay to say the real names like this? I know about this rumor too."

MC Bong Tae Gyu added to the question, "There are rumors that some people saw you close together with Hyuna on a plane. Your agencies said you were filming the music video for Bubble Pop, but the music video didn′t have any scenes on a plane."

Lee Joon answered, "It is true I sat with Hyuna on the plane. It would′ve been weird to sit separately when we′re friends."

Lee Hyori said, "I always sit separately. Even if the business area is empty, I almost always sit separately because it′s uncomfortable [to sit close]."

"Hyuna was having a hard time during the shoot," Lee Joon explained. "I comforted her and had a meal with her. I think the flight attendant who saw us taking a photo together mistook it to be a show of affection. Hyuna is just a friend."

Lee Joon membersihkan rumor yang mengikatnya dan Hyuna 4minute bersama-sama.

Penyanyi itu berbicara pada 25 Juni siaran SBS 'Hwashin.

Ketika ditanya tentang rumor dengan Hyuna, Lee Joon berkata, "Apakah saya tetap bisa mengatakan nama asli seperti ini? Saya tahu tentang rumor ini juga."

MC Bong Tae Gyu menambahkan ke pertanyaan, "Ada rumor bahwa beberapa orang melihat Anda dekat bersama-sama dengan Hyuna di pesawat. Agency Anda bilang kau sedang syuting video musik untuk Bubble Pop, tapi video musik tidak memiliki adegan di pesawat. "

Lee Joon menjawab, "Memang benar aku duduk dengan Hyuna di pesawat. Itu pasti sudah aneh untuk duduk secara terpisah ketika kita teman."

Lee Hyori berkata, "Saya selalu duduk terpisah. Bahkan jika area bisnis kosong, aku hampir selalu duduk terpisah karena itu tidak nyaman [untuk duduk dekat]."

"Hyuna sedang mengalami kesulitan selama syuting," jelas Lee Joon. "Saya menghiburnya dan makan dengan dia. Saya pikir pramugari yang melihat kami mengambil foto bersama mengira itu menjadi pertunjukan kasih sayang. Hyuna hanya seorang teman."

#Percaya kok, oppa kan deketnya ma aq #plakkk


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