"The First Lady" production explained the rumors of falling through.

A media reported in the morning of the 25th that the movie "The First Lady" fell through right after the sexual offense case caused by one of the spokesman in the Blue House. It claimed that the government had ordered any filming about the President Park Geun-hye.

Drama Bank's Joo Ki-seok claims this isn't true and the movie is in the middle of casting actors and actresses.

"The First Lady" is the autobiography of President Park Geun-hye's mother Yuk Young-soo. The romance between former president Park Chung-hee and his wife Yuk Young-soo will be emphasized amongst politics and economics.

Han Eun-jeong has been cast for the role of Yuk Young-soo and others include Jeong Han-yong, Jeong Woon-taek, Dong Jun and more.

Joo Ki-seok claims, "It doesn't make sense to stop the production of a movie because the country demands it. This isn't true.

Pihak produksi film "The First Lady"  menjelaskan rumor yang beredar.

Sebuah media melaporkan di pagi hari 25 Juni 2013 bahwa film "The First Lady" dihentikan setelah kasus pelanggaran seksual yang disebabkan oleh salah satu juru bicara di Blue House. Ini menyatakan bahwa pemerintah telah memerintahkan menghentikan setiap film tentang President Park Geun-hye.

Produsen Joo Ki-seok mengklaim ini tidak benar dan film saat ini di tengah-tengah psoses kasting aktor  dan aktris.

"The First Lady" adalah otobiografi ibu President Park  Geun-hye yakni Yuk Young-soo. Kisah cinta antara mantan presiden Park Chung-hee dan istrinya Yuk Young-soo akan ditekankan antara politik dan ekonomi.

Han Eun-jeong telah dicasting untuk peran Yuk Young-soo dan lain-lain termasuk Jeong Han-yong, Jeong Woon-taek, Dong Jun dan banyak lagi.

Joo Ki-seok mengaku, "Ini tidak masuk akal untuk menghentikan produksi film karena negara menuntut hal itu. Ini tidak benar."


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