There are bound to be sad fangirls everywhere as it sinks in that heartthrob actor Won Bin is no longer an eligible bachelor after the recent confirmation of his relationship status with the gorgeous actress Lee Na Young.

One of those fangirls is 2NE1's Dara, who has previously mentioned her love for the actor since way back! Seemingly in response to the current situation, the idol tweeted

Although this tweet could be interpreted in many different ways, most fans seem to agree that it was in response to Won Bin's dating news, especially due to the hashtags about moving on and staying strong - bringing sympathy as well as chuckles from fellow fangirls.

Hopefully Dara can console her saddened heart to "stay strong" and "move on" to return with the rest of her members to sing "Falling In Love", ironically, next week on July 8th!

Pasti ada fangirls yang sedih di mana-mana seperti tenggelam karena aktor Won Bin  tidak lagi sendiri setelah konfirmasi terbaru dari status hubungannya dengan aktris cantik Lee Na Young.

Salah satu fangirls adalah  Dara
2NE1, yang sebelumnya telah menyebutkan  cintanya pada sang  aktor sejak lama. Tampaknya dalam menanggapi situasi saat ini, Dara tweeted


Meskipun tweet ini bisa ditafsirkan dalam berbagai cara, sebagian besar penggemar tampaknya setuju bahwa itu adalah tanggapan atas berita kencan Won Bin a, terutama karena hashtags tentang pindah dan tinggal kuat - membawa simpati serta tawa dari sesama fangirls.

Semoga Dara bisa menghibur hati sedihnya  untuk  "stay strong" dan "move on" untuk comeback dengan seluruh anggota 2NE1 menyanyikan  "Falling In Love" minggu depan pada 8 Juli!

#Huahahahahahaha aigooo kasian Dara LoL  

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