Kembali pada bulan November 2012, IU tidak sengaja tweeted foto dirinya dan Eunhyuk Super Junior, menyebabkan banyak rumor muncul. Untuk pertama kalinya, IU membuka mulutnya untuk tentang insiden tersebut di SBS 'Inkarnation'.
Pada siaran tanggal 23 Juli 2013, IU mau tidak mau bicara tentang skandal foto, yang banyak orang percaya dia melakukannya dengan sengaja.
"Pertama-tama, saya upload karena kesalahan, dan saya tidak memiliki satu untuk disalahkan karena saya melakukannya," kata IU. "Lebih dari saya akan melalui waktu yang sulit, saya cukup bingung kepada siapa saya harus lebih menyesal.Untuk Orang lain, orang-orang yang mencintai saya, atau orang yang karena saya terluka"
"Saya tidak yakin apakah aku harus keluar dan mencoba untuk menjernihkan kesalahpahaman atau hanya tinggal diam," lanjut IU. "Saya hanya benar-benar menyesal tentang segalanya bagi semua orang. Aku sangat menyesal. "
IU juga mengungkapkan bahwa ketika skandal itu pecah, sahabatnya, Yoo In Na datang dan mengobrol dengannya sambil makan makanan ringan, mencoba untuk memastikan IU tidak akan melalui cobaan itu sendiri.
Ketika MC bertanya apa yang Eunhyuk katakan ketika skandal itu pecah, IU menjawab, "Dia bertanya apakah aku baik-baik saja."
IU menambahkan bahwa ia hanya menyesal tentang segala sesuatu karena dia menyebabkan begitu banyak masalah bagi banyak orang. Dia menyesal tidak tidur lebih awal malam itu.
#nggak pa2 kok, kita jadi tau seberapa dekat IU dengan Eunhyuk oppa hahaha

Back in November of 2012, IU accidentally tweeted a photo of herself and Super Junior’s Eunhyuk, causing a lot of rumors to arise. For the first time ever, IU opened her mouth to address the incident on SBS’ Incarnation.
On July 23’s broadcast of Incarnation, IU was unavoidably asked about the photo scandal, which many people believed she did it on purpose.
“First of all, I uploaded it by mistake, and I have no one to blame because I did it,” said IU. “More than me going through a hard time, I was quite confused to whom I should be more apologetic to - the other person, the people who love me, or the people I hurt.”
“I wasn’t sure if I should come out and try to clear up the misunderstanding or just stay still,” continued IU. “I was just really sorry about everything to everyone. I’m so sorry.”
IU also revealed that when the scandal broke out, her best friend, Yoo In Na came over and just chit chatted with her while eating snacks, trying to make sure IU would not going through the ordeal by herself.
When the MCs asked what Eunhyuk said when the scandal broke out, IU replied, “He asked me if I was doing okay.”
IU added that she was just sorry about everything since she caused so many problems for so many people. She regretted just not sleeping early that night.
On July 23’s broadcast of Incarnation, IU was unavoidably asked about the photo scandal, which many people believed she did it on purpose.
“First of all, I uploaded it by mistake, and I have no one to blame because I did it,” said IU. “More than me going through a hard time, I was quite confused to whom I should be more apologetic to - the other person, the people who love me, or the people I hurt.”
“I wasn’t sure if I should come out and try to clear up the misunderstanding or just stay still,” continued IU. “I was just really sorry about everything to everyone. I’m so sorry.”
IU also revealed that when the scandal broke out, her best friend, Yoo In Na came over and just chit chatted with her while eating snacks, trying to make sure IU would not going through the ordeal by herself.
When the MCs asked what Eunhyuk said when the scandal broke out, IU replied, “He asked me if I was doing okay.”
IU added that she was just sorry about everything since she caused so many problems for so many people. She regretted just not sleeping early that night.
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