The Korea Communications Standards Commission (KOCSC) has given an official note of firm 'advice' to SBS' 'Inkigayo' for allowing CL to wear a 'swimsuit' outfit on stage.

The Subcommittee to Broadcast Deliberation, under the KOCSC, held a review for the June 9th episode of 'Inkigayo' due to the controversy surrounding CL's white bodysuit on her "The Baddest Female" stage.

SBS' Kim Yong Kwon PD pleaded, "We should have regulated it better, but we were told by those at their office [YG Entertainment] that they took a lot of effort into her outfit, so we couldn't regulate it strongly. I think that was wrong. I have no excuse to make... The singer (CL)'s reps said that she'll wear a coat on top of her outfit if she's allowed to wear it. But this time, even though she wore a coat, there was a problem. But when an agency is too strong, there's a limit to how much we can say. Depending on the situation, the production staff can either be the one in power or the one without the power." He also added, "Since a few weeks ago, we've been having artists send us the outfits they plan to wear through photos because of the (sexual) controversies."

After reviewing the situation, one of the judges on the panel, Um Kwang Suk said, "It's kind of overboard to take legal action with exposure level of a swimsuit. But at the same time, we thought that if we only give administrative guidance, even more severe violations may occur in the future, so we thought a lot about it. However, in the end, we still believed that legal action for this is too much," explaining the board's decision to just issue out an official note of 'advice' to the show instead to remind them to take more care in these matters.

Another judge Park Sung Hee also commented, "The problem would be if there was excessive sexuality expressed through choreography and other motions with the outfit. But I don't think CL did that", agreeing with the decision..

Standing Commissioner Kim Taek Gon agreed and said, "Sexuality cannot be decided just through clothes. Even though it's true that her outfit is short, her dance moves aren't sexual. Since her outfit wasn't to emphasize sexuality, we will give them a note of 'advice'."

Junior Chairperson Kwon Hyun Bu disagreed and said, "It was aired during the safe hours for adolescents' television viewing. Recently, students carry around two sets of uniforms (one short, one long). This is the bad effect of broadcast like this." However, since the majority of the opinions of the others on the panel were that CL's outfit, although slightly revealing, was not accompanied by a provocative choreography or motions that utilized the outfit, the show was in the end just issued a note of 'advice'.

Korea Communications Standards Commission (KOCSC)  telah memberikan catatan resmi 'saran' untuk SBS '' Inkigayo 'karena membiarkan CL untuk memakai  ' baju renang '  di atas panggung.

Sub-komite untuk Broadcast Deliberation di bawah KOCSC, mengadakan review untuk  episode  9 Juni 2013 'Inkigayo' karena kontroversi seputar bodysuit putih CL saat penampilannya membawakan  "The Baddest Female" di panggung.

PD SBS Kim Yong Kwon memohon, "Kita telah mengatur lebih baik, tapi kami diberitahu oleh orang-orang di kantor mereka [YG Entertainment] bahwa mereka mengambil banyak usaha dalam bajunya, sehingga kita tidak bisa mengatur itu kuat. saya pikir itu salah. Aku tidak punya alasan untuk membuat ... Penyanyi (CL)  repetisi mengatakan bahwa dia akan mengenakan jas di atas pakaiannya jika dia diizinkan untuk memakainya. Tapi kali ini, meskipun dia mengenakan mantel, ada masalah. Tapi ketika sebuah lembaga yang terlalu kuat, ada batas untuk berapa banyak kita dapat mengatakan. Tergantung pada situasi, staf produksi dapat menjadi satu dalam kekuasaan atau satu tanpa kekuasaan. "  

Dia juga menambahkan, "Sejak beberapa minggu yang lalu, kami telah meminta artis mengirimkan foto rencana pakaian yang akan mereka pakai   karena kontroversi (seksual) ."

 Setelah meninjau situasi, salah satu juri l, Um Kwang Suk berkata, "Ini semacam keterlaluan untuk mengambil tindakan hukum dengan tingkat paparan pakaian renang. Tetapi pada saat yang sama, kita berpikir bahwa jika kita hanya memberikan sanksi administrasi, bahkan lebih pelanggaran berat dapat terjadi di masa depan, jadi kami pikir banyak tentang hal itu. Namun, pada akhirnya, kita masih percaya bahwa tindakan hukum untuk ini terlalu banyak, " menjelaskan keputusan dewan untuk hanya mengeluarkan keluar catatan resmi ' Nasihat ' untuk acara  untuk mengingatkan mereka agar lebih berhati-hati dalam hal ini.

Hakim lain Park Sung Hee juga berkomentar, "Masalahnya kalau ada seksualitas berlebihan diekspresikan melalui koreografi dan gerakan lain dengan pakaian. Tapi saya tidak berpikir CL melakukan itu" yang menyatakan setuju dengan keputusan ..
Standing Commissioner Kim Taek Gon setuju dan berkata, "Seksualitas tidak bisa diputuskan hanya melalui pakaian. Meskipun benar bahwa bajunya pendek, gerakan tariannya tidak seksual. Karena pakaiannya tidak menekankan seksualitas, kami akan memberi mereka catatan 'nasihat'. "
Junior Chairperson  Kwon Hyun Bu tidak setuju dan mengatakan, "Ini disiarkan selama jam aman bagi remaja untuk menonton televisi. Terakhir, mahasiswa membawa sekitar dua set seragam (satu pendek, satu panjang). Ini adalah efek buruk siaran seperti ini. "  

Namun, karena sebagian besar pendapat  hakim adalah bahwa pakaian CL, meskipun sedikit terbuka tidak disertai dengan koreografi provokatif atau gerakan yang digunakan pada pakaian, acara itu pada akhirnya hanya mengeluarkan catatan 'nasihat '.

#Semoga jadi pelajaran di masa mendatang

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