Sepertinya popularitas Lee Jong Suk baik untuk wanita tua dan muda tidak berhenti dalam waktu dekat.
Aktris Kim Hye Soo, sangat terkenal karena sosok glamor nya, menunjukkan minatnya dalam aktor yang sedang naik daun ini di acara terbaru 'One Night TV Entertainment'.
Pada 14 Agustus siaran dari acara SBS ini , Kim Hye Soo berkomentar tentang keterampilan Lee Jong Suk berakting di 'I Hear Your Voice'.
Dia berkata, "Aku melihat drama ini dan aku sangat terkejut karena dia mampu melakukan berbagai macam karakter. Kesan saya dari dia berbeda, jadi itu baru, menyegarkan, dan sedikit kejutan untuk menonton.
Tidak hanya memiliki 'Star Asia' BoA sebelumnya yang menyatakan tertarik pada Lee Jong Suk , dia juga bekerja sama dengan Krystal
f (x)
dan Yuri Girls' Generation Yuri.
#Menurut cingudeul apakah Lee Jong Suk yang beruntung atau mereka yang beruntung???
It looks like Lee Jong Suk's popularity with both older and younger ladies is not stopping anytime soon. Actress Kim Hye Soo, very well-known for her glamorous figure, showed her interest in the rising actor on the latest 'One Night of TV Entertainment'.
On the August 14th broadcast of the SBS show, Kim Hye Soo commented on Lee Jong Suk's acting skills in 'I Hear Your Voice'. She said, "I watched the drama and I was so surprised because he's able to do such a large range of characters. The impression I got from him was different, so it was new, refreshing, and a bit of a shock to watch."
Not only has 'Asia's Star' BoA previously expressed in Lee Jong Suk, he's also worked with f(x)'s Krystal and Girls' Generation's Yuri. Is he the lucky one or are they the lucky ones?
On the August 14th broadcast of the SBS show, Kim Hye Soo commented on Lee Jong Suk's acting skills in 'I Hear Your Voice'. She said, "I watched the drama and I was so surprised because he's able to do such a large range of characters. The impression I got from him was different, so it was new, refreshing, and a bit of a shock to watch."
Not only has 'Asia's Star' BoA previously expressed in Lee Jong Suk, he's also worked with f(x)'s Krystal and Girls' Generation's Yuri. Is he the lucky one or are they the lucky ones?
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