Lee Min Jung meneteskan air mata setelah Lee Byung Hun mengejutkannya dengan lamaran di bioskop.

Hal itu terungkap bahwa ia melamar di premier film Hollywoodnya yang ketiga, 'RED 2.' Saat film selesai, layar memainkan video lamaran yang ia buat.

Selama wawancara sebelumnya untuk film, Lee Byung Hun mengatakan, "Aku belum bisa benar melamar untuk Lee Min Jung. Saya pikir saya akan baik-baik saja, tapi aku masih memikirkan apa yang harus kulakukan. I tidak ingin melakukan sesuatu yang terlalu berlebihan, tapi aku ingin dia tahu bagaimana saya benar-benar merasa tentang dia dalam hati saya. "

Setelah merenungkan Lee Byung Hun memutuskan bahwa bioskop akan menjadi tempat paling pas untuk mengusulkan karena mereka berdua aktor. Ketika dia melihat video, dia sangat gembira dan terharu karena dia menangis.

Duo ini akan memiliki pernikahan mereka pada tanggal 10 di Grand Hyatt Hotel di Seoul.

Lee Min Jung was brought to tears after Lee Byung Hun surprised her with a movie theater proposal.

It was revealed that he proposed at the premiere of his third Hollywood film, 'RED 2.' When the movie finished, the screen played a proposal video that he had made.

During a previous interview for the film, Lee Byung Hun said, "I wasn't able to properly propose to Lee Min Jung yet. I think I'll be okay, but I'm still thinking of what I should do. I don't want to do something too extravagant, but I want her to know how I truly feel about her in my heart."

After contemplating Lee Byung Hun decided that a movie theater would be the most fitting place to propose since they are both actors. When she saw the video, she was so happy and touched that she burst into tears.

The duo will have their wedding on the 10th at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seoul.


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