Meskipun banyak gadis penggemar yang akan mengatakan sebaliknya, Lee Jong Suk percaya bahwa rambutnya adalah apa yang membuat dia tampan.

Selama sesi pengarahan produksi untuk film mendatang  'Physiognomy'', aktor panas ini bersama dengan proses syuting membuatnya sadar bahwa rambutnya membuat visualnya.

Dia berkata, "Saya berpikir bahwa aku benar-benar tipe orang yang hanya terlihat baik karena rambutnya," mengacu pada rambutnya yang di tutupi karena memakai kostum Saeguk.

Dia juga berkomentar, "Saya selalu gugup. Pada syuting pertama, kami memfilmkan adegan di mana saya di tampar oleh Song Gang Ho sunbae. Hal itu tidak sakit bahkan setelah aku di tampar 10 kali. Itulah betapa gugupnya aku. Aku  menantikan film yang jauh lebih sekalipun. "

Netizens berkomentar, "Dia masih terlihat bagus dengan rambut tertutup" "Dia objektif tentang penampilannya," dan "Aku ingin 'Physiognomy' segera di rilis .​​

'Physiognomy'  adalah kisah seorang ahli firasat jenius yang mencoba mengubah sejarah Chosun. Film ini akan tayang perdana pada tanggal 11 September 2013 .

# Apakah cingudeul setuju kalo Lee Jong Suk tampan cuma gara-gara rambutnya ??. menurutku Lee Jong Suk tampan karena kulit putihnya dan bibir sexynya ehemmmm

Despite many fan girls who would say otherwise, Lee Jong Suk believes that his hair is what makes him handsome.

During the productions briefing session for the upcoming film 'Physiognomy', the hot actor shared that the movie made him realize that his hair made his visuals. He said, "I thought to myself that I'm really the type of person who only looks good because of his hair," referring to the historical look he had to pull off for the project.

He also commented, "I was always nervous. At the first shooting, we filmed a scene where I get slapped by Song Gang Ho sunbae. It didn't hurt even after I got slapped 10 times. That's how nervous I was. I'm looking forward to the movie that much more though."

After hearing Lee Jong Suk's self-diss, netizens commented, "He still looks good with his an all-back hair," "He's objective about his looks," and "I want 'Physiognomy' to come out already."

'Physiognomy' is the story of a genius physiognomist who tries to change Chosun's history. The movie will premiere on September 11 KST.

Do you agree with Lee Jong Suk? Is it really all about his hair?

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