Minah Girl Hari membuat penampilan cameo khusus pada 8 Agustus 2013 dari drama  'The Sun of My Master'.

Dia berubah menjadi seorang siswa SMA yang awalnya diabaikan salah satu teman sekelasnya karena dia mengerti dan miskin. Namun, ketika teman sekelasnya meninggal karena kecelakaan mobil, ia dan kelompok teman-teman tidak bisa hidup dengan rasa bersalah. Seiring dengan rasa bersalah, Minah dan teman-temannya mendapatkan terus-menerus diganggu, tapi pelecehan itu tidak dari hantu teman sekelas  yangmati tetapi sebenarnya dari si pengganggu di kelas lain.

Minah memainkan dengan percaya diri, mahasiswa keras yang takut karena 'serangan hantu' dalam episode. Dia mampu tampil seperti seorang veteran. Check out klip penampilannya di atas!

Girl's Day's Minah made a special cameo appearance on the August 8 installment of 'The Sun of My Master'!

She turned into a high school student who had originally ignored one of her classmates because she was clueless and poor. However, when the classmate died from a car accident, she and her group of friends couldn't live with the guilt. Along with the guilt, Minah and her friends were getting constantly harassed, but the harassment was not from the ghost of the dead classmate but actually from another bully in the class.

Minah played the confident, loud student who was frightened because of the 'ghost attacks' in the episode. She was able to pull off the part like a veteran. Check out a clip of her appearance above!


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