Kisah Romantis tampaknya mulai menghilang dari film Korea hari ini. Romantisme biasanya menjadi bumbu atau formula yang selalu di pakai atau di masukkan antara karakter utama dalam film Korea terlepas
dari genre. .Seperti
tahun lalu, film hit box-office seperti "The Thieves" dan
"Masquerade" semua menampilkan fitur romantis atau karakter
dengan semangat membara untuk seseorang. Bahkan jika romantisme itu bukan di jantung film, itu selalu ada untuk menambah bumbu plot.Namun, kecenderungan ini sekarang tampaknya semakin berkurang. Dengan
pengecualian dari film komedi romantis "Very Ordinary Couple" dan film
bencana "Tower", sebagian besar film-film di atas 10 besar di tangga box office
sepanjang tahun ini tidak berurusan dengan bentuk umum cinta dan asmara.Misalnya, film
thriller "Cold Eyes" yang menampilkan aktor Jeong Woo-seong dan aktris
Han Hyo-joo tidak ada asmara dalam mendukung persahabatan antara karakter
utama. Film ini masih menyapu box office dan baru-baru menarik 5 juta penonton bioskop."Miracle in Cell No.7" berfokus pada kasih sayang orang tua dan menggunakan fasilitas
pemasyarakatan sebagai latar belakang, sementara hits terbaru lain
seperti "The New World" dan "Fist of Legend" tidak memiliki ruang untuk
karakter perempuan karena mereka berpusat pada dunia pria .Kritikus dan penonton film tampaknya sama-sama akan menyambut gelombang balik. "Film
mencerminkan realitas, yang hari ini mencakup lebih banyak orang hidup dalam
kemelaratan dan nyaris tidak bisa menjaga diri mereka sendiri
bersama-sama", kata Kim Won, seorang kritikus film. "Karakter
Cinematic yang tidak memiliki waktu untuk romance, karena mereka harus
berjuang untuk hidup mereka, tampaknya lebih menarik dan simpatik kepada
kepentingan romantis yang khas, yang disebut bromances atau persahabatan
laki-laki lebih terlihat dalam film-film Korea terbaru seperti "The New
World" dan "Secretly and Greatly"."Hari-hari
ini, jenis persaudaraan atau persahabatan Anda dapat menyaksikan dalam
situasi putus asa, seperti di medan perang, lebih populer di kalangan
pemirsa dari stereotip asmara antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita",
kata Kim.
#Wah selera masyarakat Korea kini mulai berubah ya , mungkin dah bosan di suguhi kisah romantis atau percintaan melulu.
Romance has apparently all-but disappeared from Korean films these days. It is something of a time-honored rule of thumb to include some love interest among the main characters of a Korean movie, regardless of genre. As recently as last year, box-office hits such as "The Thieves" and "Masquerade" all featured romantic tugs-of-war, or characters with a burning passion for someone. Even if the romance was not at the heart of the movie, it was always there to add spice to the plot.
However, this trend now seems to be on the wane. With the exception of the romantic comedy "Very Ordinary Couple" and disaster movie "The Tower", most of the films in the top 10 at the box office so far this year do not deal with common forms of love and romance.
For example, the thriller "Cold Eyes" featuring actor Jeong Woo-seong and actress Han Hyo-joo eschews romance in favor of camaraderie between the main characters. The movie is still sweeping box office and recently attracted 5 million moviegoers.
"Miracle in Cell No.7" focuses on parental affection using a correctional facility as a backdrop, while other recent hits like "The New World" and "Fist of Legend" have no room for female characters as they center on the world of men.
Critics and filmgoers alike seem to be welcoming the turning tide. "Films reflect reality, which these days include more people living a hardscrabble life and barely managing to keep themselves together", said Kim Won, a film critic. "Cinematic characters that have no time for romance, as they have to fight for their lives, seem to be more appealing and sympathetic to moviegoers".
Instead of typical romantic interests, so-called bromances or male ensembles are more visible in recent Korean films like "The New World" and "Secretly and Greatly".
"These days, the kind of brotherhood or camaraderie you can witness in desperate situations, such as on the battlefield, is more popular amongst viewers than the stereotypical romance between a man and a woman", Kim said.
Source. Hancinema
However, this trend now seems to be on the wane. With the exception of the romantic comedy "Very Ordinary Couple" and disaster movie "The Tower", most of the films in the top 10 at the box office so far this year do not deal with common forms of love and romance.
For example, the thriller "Cold Eyes" featuring actor Jeong Woo-seong and actress Han Hyo-joo eschews romance in favor of camaraderie between the main characters. The movie is still sweeping box office and recently attracted 5 million moviegoers.
"Miracle in Cell No.7" focuses on parental affection using a correctional facility as a backdrop, while other recent hits like "The New World" and "Fist of Legend" have no room for female characters as they center on the world of men.
Critics and filmgoers alike seem to be welcoming the turning tide. "Films reflect reality, which these days include more people living a hardscrabble life and barely managing to keep themselves together", said Kim Won, a film critic. "Cinematic characters that have no time for romance, as they have to fight for their lives, seem to be more appealing and sympathetic to moviegoers".
Instead of typical romantic interests, so-called bromances or male ensembles are more visible in recent Korean films like "The New World" and "Secretly and Greatly".
"These days, the kind of brotherhood or camaraderie you can witness in desperate situations, such as on the battlefield, is more popular amongst viewers than the stereotypical romance between a man and a woman", Kim said.
Source. Hancinema
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