Ada kabar baik bagi para penggemar  drama' SBS  'The Sun of My Master' kareba telah menerima perpanjangan satu episode!

Seorang anggota staf dikonfirmasi pada tanggal 17 September 2013, "Setelah berdiskusi dengan para aktor dan staf, telah  memutuskan bahwa 'The Sun of My Master akan diperpanjang  satu episode."

'The Sun of My Master' awalnya dijadwalkan untuk mengakhiri 16-episode  pada tanggal 26 namun karena Film khusus Chuseok ' The Thieves ', yang akan tayang di slot waktu pada tanggal 18  maka, dijadwalkan finale drama didorong kembali ke 2 Oktober. Tapi sekarang akan ada satu episode tambahan, 'The Sun of My Master' akan tayang finale pada tanggal 3 Oktober.

Ini tidak akan mempengaruhi drama " The Heirs"  yang akan premiere pada 9 Oktober seperti yang direncanakan.

There's good news for fans of SBS' on-going drama 'The Sun of My Master', for it has received a one episode extension!

A staff member confirmed on the 17th, "After discussing it with the actors and staff, it has ben decided that 'The Sun of My Master' will be extended by one episode."
'The Sun of My Master' was originally scheduled to end its 16-episode run on the 26th but due to the Chuseok special feature film 'The Thieves', which will air in its time slot on the 18th, the drama's scheduled finale was pushed back to October 2nd. But now that there will be one additional episode, 'The Sun of My Master' will air its finale on October 3rd.

This will not affect following drama 'Heirs' which will premiere on October 9th as planned.

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