Gambar pertama Park Shin Hye dari drama The Heirs di rilis. Park Shin Hye memainkan Cha Eun Sung , seorang gadis yang lahir dalam kemiskinan tapi masih bekerja keras melalui itu .

Syuting pertama terjadi pada 16 Agustus  2013 di sebuah aula pernikahan terletak di Gangnam . Mengenakan celemek dan sarung tangan Park Shin Hye menyeka keringat dari keningnya , tapi masih terus mengeluarkan ekspresi cerah.

Bahkan sebelum syuting yang sebenarnya , Park Shin Hye berinteraksi dengan staf , menyapa dan bermain lelucon dengan mereka , memberi suasana hati yang baik . Setelah syuting dimulai , Park Shin Hye sempurna masuk ke dalam karakter , yang ia telah ia pelajari sebelumnya.

" Dikenal sebagai seorang aktris yang telah dipuji karena aktingnya dan ekspresi , Park Shin Hye menunjukkan dengan sempurna bahkan dari syuting pertama . Bahkan saat dia berdiri diam , dia secara alami memancarkan energi  seorang aktris yang mewakili Korea , " kata perusahaan produksi Hwa and Dam Pictures.

 " Kami harap Anda semua akan mengantisipasi  The Heirs , drama komedi romantis dengan semangat para aktor muda dan kerja keras dari staf . "

Sementara itu, The Heirs dibuat oleh Kim Eun Sook , penulis Secret Garden ,A Gentleman Dignity, Tazza dan Midas .

Drama ini adalah tentang siswa SMA yang hidup dalam masyarakat yang tinggi yang akhirnya berbaur dengan seorang gadis kelas bawah .

With Park Shin Hye leading the way, SBS’ new drama, the Heirs kicked off to a smooth start. The drama, scheduled for a September broadcast, has been gaining much attention for its strong and visual cast of Park Shin Hye, Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo Bin, f(x)’s Krystal, ZE:A’s Park Hyung Sik, Kang Ha Neul, and many other talented young actors.

In the drama, Park Shin Hye plays Cha Eun Sung, a girl born into poverty but still works hard through it.

The first shooting took place on August 16 at a wedding hall located in Gangnam. Wearing an apron and dish washing gloves, Park Shin Hye wiped the sweat off her brow, but still kept a bright expression.

Even before the actual shoot, Park Shin Hye interacted with the staff, greeting and playing jokes with them, setting a good mood. Once filming began, Park Shin Hye perfectly melted into her character, which she has studied and prepared for.

Especially with her wardrobe, Park Shin Hye brought a lot of laughter with staff amazed at how much of the character Park Shin Hye has become.

“Known as an actress who has been praised for her acting and expressions, Park Shin Hye showed exactly that even from the first shooting. Even thought she was standing still, she naturally exuded energy and was an actress representing Korea,” said the production company, Hwa and Dam Pictures. “We hope you will all pay interest to The Heirs, a youthful romantic comedy drama with the passion of the actors and the hard work of the staff.”

Meanwhile, The Heirs is a production created between Kim Eun Sook, writer of Secret Garden and A Gentleman’s DignityTazza and Midas.

The drama is about high school students who live in high societies who end up mingling with a lower class girl.  


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