Foto: First teaser poster added for upcoming film ROUGH PLAY starring Lee Joon (from Kpop group MBLAQ) and Seo Yeong-Hee. Movie is directed by Shin Youn-Sik ("The Fair Love"/"The Russian Novel) and written/produced by Kim Ki-Duk. Storyline for ROUGH PLAY involves an actor who suddenly gains stardom, but he also becomes more arrogant and hangs out with a different crowd, including gangsters. His life is soon in danger as is his acting career. ROUGH PLAY, at least thematically, is somewhat related to 2008 film "Rough Cut" (also written/produced by Kim Ki-Duk) which follows a similar story but from the gangster's point of view.

ROUGH PLAY will have its world premiere at the upcoming Busan International Film Festival (October 3-12, 2013) and then its general release later in October, 2013.

Teaser poster pertama ditambahkan untuk film mendatang  ROUGH PLAY  yang dibintangi  Lee Joon (dari Kpop grup MBLAQ) dan Seo Yeong-Hee.  

Film ini disutradarai oleh Shin Youn Sik("The Fair Love"/"The Russian Novel) dan ditulis / diproduksi oleh Kim Ki Duk.

ROUGH PLAY  bercerita tentang aktor yang tiba-tiba mendapatkan  ketenaran, tetapi ia juga menjadi lebih arogan dan  keluar dengan kelompok yang berbeda, termasuk gangster. Hidupnya segera dalam bahaya seperti karir aktingnya. 

ROUGH PLAY , setidaknya tematis, agak berkaitan dengan film 2008 "Rough Cut" (juga ditulis / diproduksi oleh Kim Ki Duk) yang berikut cerita yang sama tapi dari titik pandang gangster .
 ROUGH PLAY akan memiliki premier dunia  di Busan International Film mendatang Festival (03-12 Oktober 2013) dan kemudian dirilis untuk umum kemudian pada bulan Oktober, 2013. 

First teaser poster added for upcoming film ROUGH PLAY starring Lee Joon (from Kpop group MBLAQ) and Seo Yeong-Hee. Movie is directed by Shin Youn-Sik ("The Fair Love"/"The Russian Novel) and written/produced by Kim Ki-Duk. Storyline for ROUGH PLAY involves an actor who suddenly gains stardom, but he also becomes more arrogant and hangs out with a different crowd, including gangsters. His life is soon in danger as is his acting career. ROUGH PLAY, at least thematically, is somewhat related to 2008 film "Rough Cut" (also written/produced by Kim Ki-Duk) which follows a similar story but from the gangster's point of view.

ROUGH PLAY will have its world premiere at the upcoming Busan International Film Festival (October 3-12, 2013) and then its general release later in October, 2013.

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