Eunhyuk Super Junior berbagi snapshot dari grup  hanging out di Jerman.

Dia tweeted pada tanggal 17 September 2013  "Empat orang muda di kaum muda negara Jerman," bersama dengan foto menggemaskan atas dirinya, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, dan Donghae.

Sementara mereka menikmati waktu mereka di luar negeri, Kangin dan Heechul di supermarket. Kangin mentweet pada tanggal 18, "Kami pergi belanja makanan.  Please have a good Chuseok, everyone."."

Fans menjawab, "Super Junior di Jerman. Mereka memiliki jadwal yang sibuk, tetapi mereka terlihat seperti mereka sedang bersenang-senang," "latar belakang ini begitu indah. Semoga persahabatan Anda selamanya," "Heechul belanja makanan, apa yang dia beli, "dan" Kangin belum dicukur. "


Super Junior's Eunhyuk shared a snapshot of the group hanging out in Germany.

He tweeted on the 17th, "Four young people in the young people's country Germany," along with the adorable photo above of himself, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Donghae.

While they enjoyed their time overseas, Kangin and Heechul had their fun at the supermarket. Kangin tweeted on the 18th, "We went food shopping. Please have a good Chuseok, everyone."

Fans responded, "Super Junior in Germany. They have a busy schedule, but they look like they're having fun," "The background is so beautiful. May your friendship be forever," "Heechul food shopping, what did he buy," and "Kangin hasn't shaved yet."

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