T-ara telah kehilangan gugatan mereka terhadap merek fashion Chatelaine.

Tahun lalu di bulan Maret, T-ARA  menandatangani kontrak senilai  400.000.000 KRW (sekitar $ 366.100 USD) dengan Chatelaine. Namun, setelah T-ara  mendapat citra negatif dari skandal pada Juli 2012, Chatelaine memutuskan kontrak. Core Contents Media setuju untuk mengembalikan uang kontrak dan mengeluarkan surat promes / hutang untuk jumlah.

Namun, ketika dihadapkan dengan eksekusi wajib, Core Contents Media mengajukan gugatan terhadap Chatelaine, mengklaim, "Mereka seharusnya menghentikan CF dengan T-ara sebagai model, tetapi mereka terus menggunakan mereka. Mereka harus membatalkan perjanjian dan pelaksanaan wajib  harus ditolak. "

Namun, pada 8 September 2013 hakim memutuskan bahwa gugatan penggugat diberhentikan, Core Contents Media di perintahkan untuk membayar Chatelaine 400.000.000 KRW.

T-ara has lost their lawsuit against the fashion brand Chatelaine.

Last year in March, the girls signed a 400,000,000 KRW (approximately $366,100 USD) contract with Chatelaine. However, after the girls got a negative image from the scandal in July 2012, Chatelaine dissolved the contract. Core Contents Media agreed to return the contract money and issued a promissory note for the amount.

However, when faced with compulsory execution, Core Contents Media filed a lawsuit against Chatelaine, claiming, "They should have stopped the CFs with T-ara as models, but they kept using them. They should cancel the agreement and the compulsory execution should be disapproved."

However, on the 8th, the judge ruled that the plaintiff's lawsuit be dismissed, ordering Core Contents Media to pay Chatelaine 400,000,000 KRW.


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