Pada tanggal 3 September 2013, merek fashion H & M menggelar acara khusus di flagship store Gangnam untuk menampilkan koleksi musim gugur mendatang mereka.

Banyak selebriti yang hadir tapi Sunny Girls 'Generation menarik perhatian media saat ia mengenakan ensemble sangat seksi. Celana gelap dan pakaian coklatnya menampilkan kulit kencang dan tubuh montoknya.

Setelah melihat foto, netizens berkomentar, "Semua orang tahu bahwa Sunny glamor. Dia begitu baik di acara TV (Grandpas Over Flowers). Meskipun dia mungkin sedikit pendek, ia memiliki keseimbangan yang sempurna.  Calon Istri terbaik calon  "," Sunny hebat,tidak heran aktor Lee Seo Jin menyukainya. dia sangat menarik. Cerah dan pintar ", dan" Sekarang aku tahu mengapa dia ingin memakai baju renang bikini Grandpas Over Flowers, dia memiliki Image seksi hari ini ".

#She is so Hooottt hahaha

On September 3, fashion brand H&M held a special event at the Gangnam flagship store in order to showcase their upcoming Fall collection.

Numerous celebrities were in attendance but it was Girls' Generation member Sunny who caught the attention of the media as she wore a very sexy ensemble. The skin toned top matched with a dark brown bottom accentuated her curvaceous figure.

Upon seeing the photos, netizens commented, "Everybody knew that Sunny was glamorous. She is so kind on the TV show (Grandpas Over Flowers). Even though she might be a bit on the short side, she has a perfect balance. The best future wife", "Sunny is G-R-E-A-T. No wonder actor Lee Seo Jin likes her. She is very attractive. Bright and smart", and "Now I know why she was eager to wear a bikini swimsuit in Grandpas Over Flowers, she has a sexy image these days".

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