Aktor Choi Woo-sik kini seorang remaja pemberontak.
JYP Entertainment mengungkapkan bahwa ia akan membintangi sebuah film independen yang berjudul "Tears".
"Tears" ini disutradarai oleh Kim Tae-young yang memenangkan Best Movie Award di festival film pendek di tahun 2011.
Film ini adalah tentang kebencian dan rasa sakit anak laki-laki terhadap keluarganya ketika ia membuat jalan sendiri ke sebuah fasilitas perawatan karena kesulitan keluarganya sendiri.
"Tears" akan dirilis tahun depan.
JYP Entertainment mengungkapkan bahwa ia akan membintangi sebuah film independen yang berjudul "Tears".
"Tears" ini disutradarai oleh Kim Tae-young yang memenangkan Best Movie Award di festival film pendek di tahun 2011.
Film ini adalah tentang kebencian dan rasa sakit anak laki-laki terhadap keluarganya ketika ia membuat jalan sendiri ke sebuah fasilitas perawatan karena kesulitan keluarganya sendiri.
"Tears" akan dirilis tahun depan.
Actor Choi Woo-sik is now a rebellious teenager.
JYP Entertainment revealed that he will be starring in an independent movie called, "Tears".
"Tears" is directed by Kim Tae-young who won the Best Movie Award at a short-film festival in 2011.
This movie is about the hatred and pain a boy feels towards his family when he makes his own way over to a care facility due to the hardship of his own family.
Choi Woo-sik is 18 year-old, Yeong-jae who does his best in the facility to not get kicked out.
"Tears" will be released next year.
JYP Entertainment revealed that he will be starring in an independent movie called, "Tears".
"Tears" is directed by Kim Tae-young who won the Best Movie Award at a short-film festival in 2011.
This movie is about the hatred and pain a boy feels towards his family when he makes his own way over to a care facility due to the hardship of his own family.
Choi Woo-sik is 18 year-old, Yeong-jae who does his best in the facility to not get kicked out.
"Tears" will be released next year.
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