Pengadilan telah memutuskan hukuman hari ini untuk kasus ganja yang melibatkan Daniel DMTN , anak aktor Cha Seung Won Cha No Ah , dan banyak lagi.
Jaksa sebelumnya menuntut hukuman penjara 1 tahun dan denda sebesar 6.690.500 KRW atau 6.034 USD untuk Daniel , dan pengadilan telah mengungkapkan keputusan mereka hari ini.
Pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2013 , pengadilan menyatakan , " Daniel bertindak sebagai perantara dalam penjualan ganja 12 kali dan menjual ganja 4 kali . "
Hal ini juga terungkap bahwa meskipun ia sebelumnya membantah merokok ganja di awal penyelidikan , setelah tes rambut dilakukan jaksa menemukan bahwa ia positif mengkonsumsi ganja . Dan hari ini, pengadilan menjatuhkan hukuman 1 tahun penjara dan denda sebesar 7.160.000 KRW .
Mengenai permohonan keringanan hukuman Daniel terakhir kalinya , di mana pengacaranya berargumen bahwa ia dibesarkan di AS , Daniel memiliki sikap yang lebih santai terhadap ganja , pengadilan menyatakan , " Bahkan jika ia memiliki pengakuan yang lemah bahwa merokok ganja adalah ilegal , itu adalah masih kejahatan . Terutama penjualan dan bertindak sebagai perantara dalam penjualan adalah kejahatan besar . "
" Daniel telah berpartisipasi dalam audiensi dan investigasi dengan serius dan bekerja sama dan dia juga telah menyatakan bahwa ia akan mendaftar di militer sendiri dan melayani negara . Mengambil faktor ini menjadi pertimbangan , kami telah menghukumnya jumlah minimum yang bisa kita berikan dia berdasarkan hukum . "
Adapun untuk Cha No Ah , jaksa sebelumnya menuntut hukuman penjara 10 bulan untuk merokok ganja 2-3 kali . Namun, kalimat terakhir yang ia terima adalah lebih ringan karena pengadilan memberinya hukuman percobaan 6 bulan penjara dengan jangka ditangguhkan selama 2 tahun ( ini berarti bahwa jika ia tidak menyebabkan masalah lebih lanjut untuk 2 tahun ke depan selama masa percobaan , hakim biasanya akan mengeluarkannya dari penjara ) .
Mengenai permohonan keringanan hukuman Daniel terakhir kalinya , di mana pengacaranya berargumen bahwa ia dibesarkan di AS , Daniel memiliki sikap yang lebih santai terhadap ganja , pengadilan menyatakan , " Bahkan jika ia memiliki pengakuan yang lemah bahwa merokok ganja adalah ilegal , itu adalah masih kejahatan . Terutama penjualan dan bertindak sebagai perantara dalam penjualan adalah kejahatan besar . "
" Daniel telah berpartisipasi dalam audiensi dan investigasi dengan serius dan bekerja sama dan dia juga telah menyatakan bahwa ia akan mendaftar di militer sendiri dan melayani negara . Mengambil faktor ini menjadi pertimbangan , kami telah menghukumnya jumlah minimum yang bisa kita berikan dia berdasarkan hukum . "
Adapun untuk Cha No Ah , jaksa sebelumnya menuntut hukuman penjara 10 bulan untuk merokok ganja 2-3 kali . Namun, kalimat terakhir yang ia terima adalah lebih ringan karena pengadilan memberinya hukuman percobaan 6 bulan penjara dengan jangka ditangguhkan selama 2 tahun ( ini berarti bahwa jika ia tidak menyebabkan masalah lebih lanjut untuk 2 tahun ke depan selama masa percobaan , hakim biasanya akan mengeluarkannya dari penjara ) .
Cha No Ah tidak di tuntut berat karena pelanggarannya lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan yang lain yang terlibat dalam kasus ini .
The court has dealt out their sentencing today for the marijuana case involving DMTN's Daniel, Cha Seung Won's son Cha No Ah, and more.
The prosecution previously demanded a jail sentence of 1 year and a penalty of 6,690,500 KRW or 6,034 USD for Daniel, and the court has revealed their decision today.
On the 17th, the court stated, "Daniel acted as the intermediary in the selling of marijuana 12 times and sold marijuana 4 times." It is also said that although he previously denied smoking it in the very beginning of the investigation, after a hair strand test was conducted the prosecution found that he tested positive for it. And so today, the court sentenced him to 1 year in jail and a penalty of 7,160,000 KRW.
Regarding Daniel's plea for leniency last time, in which his lawyer argued that having grown up in the U.S., Daniel has a more relaxed attitude towards marijuana, the court stated, "Even if he has a weak recognition that smoking marijuana is illegal, it is still a crime. Especially selling and acting as the intermediary in selling is a major crime."
"Daniel has participated in the hearings and investigation seriously and diligently and he has also expressed that he will enlist in the military on his own and serve the country. Taking these factors into consideration, we have sentenced him to the minimum amount that we can give him based on the law."
As for Cha No Ah, the prosecution previously demanded a jail sentence of 10 months for smoking marijuana 2-3 times. However, the final sentence he received was lighter as the court gave him a suspended sentence of 6 month jail term suspended for 2 years (this means that if he does not cause further problems for the next 2 years on probation, the judge will usually throw out the jail sentence). The court did not expand much upon their reasons for their decision on Cha No Ah, but it seems because his offense is lighter compared to the others involved in the case, they awarded him a lighter sentence.
The court has dealt out their sentencing today for the marijuana case involving DMTN's Daniel, Cha Seung Won's son Cha No Ah, and more.
The prosecution previously demanded a jail sentence of 1 year and a penalty of 6,690,500 KRW or 6,034 USD for Daniel, and the court has revealed their decision today.
On the 17th, the court stated, "Daniel acted as the intermediary in the selling of marijuana 12 times and sold marijuana 4 times." It is also said that although he previously denied smoking it in the very beginning of the investigation, after a hair strand test was conducted the prosecution found that he tested positive for it. And so today, the court sentenced him to 1 year in jail and a penalty of 7,160,000 KRW.
Regarding Daniel's plea for leniency last time, in which his lawyer argued that having grown up in the U.S., Daniel has a more relaxed attitude towards marijuana, the court stated, "Even if he has a weak recognition that smoking marijuana is illegal, it is still a crime. Especially selling and acting as the intermediary in selling is a major crime."
"Daniel has participated in the hearings and investigation seriously and diligently and he has also expressed that he will enlist in the military on his own and serve the country. Taking these factors into consideration, we have sentenced him to the minimum amount that we can give him based on the law."
As for Cha No Ah, the prosecution previously demanded a jail sentence of 10 months for smoking marijuana 2-3 times. However, the final sentence he received was lighter as the court gave him a suspended sentence of 6 month jail term suspended for 2 years (this means that if he does not cause further problems for the next 2 years on probation, the judge will usually throw out the jail sentence). The court did not expand much upon their reasons for their decision on Cha No Ah, but it seems because his offense is lighter compared to the others involved in the case, they awarded him a lighter sentence.
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