laporan saksi mata , Jessica Girls 'Generation mungkin telah mengalami
cedera dalam perjalanan pulang dari konser terakhir grupnya di Hong Kong .
Banyak penggemar dan tweet melaporkan bahwa seorang penjaga keamanan mendorong Jessica dari pegangan saat para anggota SNSD melanjutkan perjalanan ke area keberangkatan , di mana ia sejenak merosot ke lantai sebelum di tolong oleh manajernya .
Foto-foto menunjukkan Jessica bersandar di bahu manajernya , tampak terguncang . Meskipun tidak jelas apa yang memotivasi penjaga untuk memukul Jessica , laporan menunjukkan bahwa ia mengira Jessica adalah penggemar yang menyelinap ke barisan polisi .
SM Entertainment belum merilis informasi tentang insiden ini , atau kondisi Jessica saat ini .
Banyak penggemar dan tweet melaporkan bahwa seorang penjaga keamanan mendorong Jessica dari pegangan saat para anggota SNSD melanjutkan perjalanan ke area keberangkatan , di mana ia sejenak merosot ke lantai sebelum di tolong oleh manajernya .
Foto-foto menunjukkan Jessica bersandar di bahu manajernya , tampak terguncang . Meskipun tidak jelas apa yang memotivasi penjaga untuk memukul Jessica , laporan menunjukkan bahwa ia mengira Jessica adalah penggemar yang menyelinap ke barisan polisi .
SM Entertainment belum merilis informasi tentang insiden ini , atau kondisi Jessica saat ini .
#Aigooo masa gadis secantik Jessica di pukul sih ???

According to eyewitness reports, Girls' Generation's Jessica may have suffered an injury on her way home from the group's recent concert in Hong Kong.
Numerous fans and tweets reported that a security guard pushed Jessica against a handrail as the girls were proceeding to the departure area, where she momentarily slumped to the floor before being picked up by her manager.
The photos show Jessica leaning on her manager's shoulder, looking shaken. While it's unclear what motivated the guard to hit Jessica, reports suggest that he mistook the idol for a fan who snuck into the cordon.
SM Entertainment has not yet released information on this incident, nor Jessica's condition at this time.
Numerous fans and tweets reported that a security guard pushed Jessica against a handrail as the girls were proceeding to the departure area, where she momentarily slumped to the floor before being picked up by her manager.
The photos show Jessica leaning on her manager's shoulder, looking shaken. While it's unclear what motivated the guard to hit Jessica, reports suggest that he mistook the idol for a fan who snuck into the cordon.
SM Entertainment has not yet released information on this incident, nor Jessica's condition at this time.
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