Aktor  Jo Jung Suk bingung ketika ia diminta untuk memilih antara  IU dan Lee Yoon Ji!

Aktor, yang telah bekerja dengan kedua aktris itu di layar kaca, merenungkan pertanyaan untuk sementara waktu saat wawancara di MBC 'Section TV'.

"Bagi saya, pilihan itu sendiri merupakan suatu kehormatan," katanya, sebelum akhirnya memilih Lee Yoon Ji.

"Aku berada di tipe ideal Piala Dunia  sebelumnya, di mana saya memilih IU," katanya. "Tapi pertanyaan hari ini tampak seperti itu tentang pernikahan, jadi aku memilih Lee Yoon Ji."

Pewawancara mengomentari perbedaan pendapatnya, bertanya kepadanya, "Jadi, apakah Anda mengatakan Anda akan berkencan dengan IU, tapi menikahi Lee Yoon Ji?"

Jo Jung Suk tidak menyangkalnya, membawa tawa ke lokasi syuting!   

#Aigoo oppa playboy juga nech

Jo Jung Suk was torn when he was asked to choose between beauties IU and Lee Yoon Ji!

The actor, who has worked with both actresses on the screen, pondered the question for a while during his interview on MBC's 'Section TV'. "For me, the choice in itself is a privilege," he said, before eventually selecting Lee Yoon Ji.

"I was in an ideal type world cup before, where I selected IU," he said. "But today's question looked like it was about marriage, so I picked Lee Yoon Ji."

The interviewer picked up on the difference, asking him, "So are you saying you'd date IU, but marry Lee Yoon Ji?"

Jo Jung Suk didn't deny it, bringing laughter to the set!


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