Drama Three Days yang di bintangi Park Yoochun akhirnya akan resmi tayang di SBS pada hari Rabu dan Kamis mulai bulan Februari.

Sebelumnya terjadi tarik ulur untuk slot Drama ketika secara tiba-tiba SBS mengumumkan slot tidak akan berhasil pada jadwal penayangan di bulan Februari seperti yang telah direncanakan, tapi setelah putaran akhir negosiasi, slot Three Days secara resmi kembali ke jalur (jadwal awal) nya. 

Drama thriller berjangka waktu padat/singkat juga mengerikan ini, berkisah tentang di mana presiden Korea (Sohn Hyun-joo) secara tiba-tiba menghilang, dan pengawal Blue House elitnya (Park YooChun) bertugas menyelamatkan dia. Turut Membantu adalah seorang perwira polisi setempat (Park Ha-sun), sesama pengawal Blue House (So Yi-hyun), dan kepala sekretaris presiden (Yoon Je-moon).

# Pertanyaannya berapa banyak uang yang berpindah tangan dalam proses negosiasi ??

Lucunya secara keseluruhan di balik layar drama ini adalah bahwa Three Days sedang diproduksi oleh Golden Sum Pictures, alias rumah produksi di balik drama King of Dramas yang bercerita tentang persaingan dalam memperoleh slot tayang drama .Tampaknya kisah Antony benar-benar terjadi . Di sini kita bercanda Apa yang Akan Dilakukan Anthony? sedangkan versi kehidupan nyatanya sedang dimainkan oleh orang-orang yang memperkenalkan tokoh Anthony kepada kita. 

I suppose it’s more correct to say it re-landed the slot it already had and then lost, but at least this time both the studio and the producers have all their ducks in a row and aren’t contradicting each other? Upcoming action thriller drama Three Days was in a bit of a tailspin this past week when SBS suddenly announced it wasn’t going to make it on the February broadcast schedule as planned, but after a final round of negotiations, it’s officially back on track.

My question is how much money changed hands in the last five days, but I guess we’ll never know. The punchline in this whole behind-the-scenes drama is that Three Days is being produced by Golden Sum Pictures, aka the production house behind King of Dramas. Here we are joking What Would Anthony Do? while the real-life version is being played out by the people who brought us Anthony. Too much meta. Brain in danger of short-circuiting.

Anyway, I’m happy that the show is back on the road because I’ve been looking forward to it ever since the concept was announced in the spring. The condensed-time thriller follows the harrowing three days during which the president of Korea (Sohn Hyun-joo) suddenly disappears, and his elite Blue House bodyguard (Park Yoochun) is tasked with saving him. Helping him are a local police officer (Park Ha-sun), fellow Blue House guard (So Yi-hyun), and the chief presidential secretary (Yoon Je-moon).

Three Days will follow You From Another Star as originally planned, and air on Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning in February. No more take-backs this time!


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