‘You Who Came From the Stars’ is Suspected of Plagiarism


SBS dan perusahaan produksi drama  You Who Came From the Stars  membantah keras bahwa drama  You Who Came From the Stars   telah menjiplak dari seri buku komik Korea .

Dalam percakapan telepon dengan Newsen , seorang perwakilana dari SBS mengatakan , " Kami tidak tahu bahwa ada  buku komik itu . Kami sedang dalam proses mengecek informasi lebih lanjut mengenai situasi ini . "

HB Entertainment, perusahaan produksi drama , juga menyatakan , " Ini adalah omong kosong keseluruhan . Karakter dari seri buku komik adalah manusia, tetapi ' Do Min Joon ' dari drama adalah alien . Penulis drama  Park Ji Eun bahkan tidak pernah membaca buku-buku komik itu  dan dia telah mempersiapkan untuk drama untuk waktu yang lama . "

" Kami akan merilis pernyataan resmi segera , " lanjut rep dari HB Entertainment . " Jika hal ini menjadi lebih serius , kita mungkin membawa masalah ini ke pengadilan untuk pencemaran nama baik . "

Pada tanggal 20 Desember penulis buku komik terkenal  Kang Kyung Ok memposting di blog-nya bahwa Drama You Who Came From the Stars  ini mirip dengan  komik seri-nya, ' Seol Hee ' , menyebarkan kecurigaan plagiarisme .

SBS and the drama production company strongly denied that the drama You Who Came From the Stars has been plagiarized from a Korean comic book series.

In a phone conversation with Newsen, a rep from SBS said, “We had no idea that there was such a comic book. We are in the process of checking up on more information regarding this situation.”

‘You Who Came From the Stars’ is Suspected of Plagiarism

HB Entertainment, the drama production company, also stated, “This is a total nonsense. The character from the comic book series is a human, but ‘Do Min Joon’ from the drama is an alien. The drama writer Park Ji Eun has never even read the comic books and she has been preparing for the drama for a long time.”

“We will be releasing an official statement soon,” continued the rep from HB Entertainment. “If this gets more serious, we might take this matter to the court for defamation.”

On December 20, a well-known comic book writer Kang Kyung Ok posted on her blog that You Who Came From the Stars is similar to her comic book series, ‘Seol Hee’, spreading the suspicion of plagiarism.


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