Hongki F.T Island baru-baru ini dibawa ke rumah sakit karena sakit perut.

Sebuah rep mengatakan pada tanggal 12 Desember, "Pada sore hari, Hongki mengeluhkan gejala sakit perut jadi dia pergi ke rumah sakit untuk check-up. Hasil pemeriksaan menyatakan itu adalah tahap awal enteritis sehingga ia diberi infus dan beristirahat. "

Tampaknya enteritis Hongki telah sangat meningkat setelah pengobatan. Pihaknya akan membuat keputusan akhir tentang apa tindakan yang akan di ambil setelah memantau kondisinya

Mudah-mudahan, Hongki akan cukup istirahat dan merasa lebih baik dalam waktu singkat!    0

F.T Island's Hongki was recently taken to the hospital in a rush where he was treated for abdominal pains.

A rep said on December 12, "In the afternoon, Hongki complained about symptoms of a stomachache so he went to the hospital for a check-up.  The results of the examination claimed it to be the early stages of enteritis so he was connected to an IV drip and is resting."

It appears that Hongki's enteritis had greatly improved after treatment.  His agency will make a final decision about what course of action to take after monitoring him as he follows the original schedule. 

Hopefully, Hongki will get enough rest and feel better in no time!


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