Hoon U-Kiss telah menyebabkan kecelakaan mobil .


Menurut DongA.com , Hoon telah mengendarai mobil Soohyun baru-baru ini , tapi kemudian menabrak  mobil di depannya karena ia tertidur di belakang kemudi.


Dalam panggilan telepon dengan DongA.com , NH Media mengakui , " Memang benar bahwa Hoon baru-baru ini menyebabkan kecelakaan mobil . Itu karena dia belum  pandai mengemudi . Baik Hoon maupun pengemudi mobil lainnya tidak  terluka parah . Tidak ada yang  salah dengan kesehatannya , jadi dia sedang mempromosikan di Jepang setelah ia diperiksa di rumah sakit . "

Wakil lain dari label mengatakan , " Kami sedang berupaya untuk mencapai kesepakatan yang mudah dengan pengemudi lain . Maaf untuk pengemudi lain serta fans yang khawatir . "Ini baik untuk mendengar bahwa semua pihak yang terlibat baik-baik saja !

#Loh kok bisa tertidur sih ??

U-KISS' Hoon has caused a car accident.

According to DongA.com, Hoon had been driving Soohyun's car recently, but rear-ended the car in front of him because he'd dozed off at the wheel.

In a phone call with DongA.com, NH Media admitted, "It's true that Hoon recently caused a car accident. It's because he's not good at driving yet. Neither Hoon nor the driver of the other car were hurt badly. There is no harm to his health, so he's currently promoting in Japan after he got checked at the hospital."

Another representative from the label said, "We're working to come to an easy agreement with the other driver. We're sorry to the other driver as well as the fans who are worried."

It's good to hear that all parties involved are okay! 


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