Foto keluarga Ha Ji-won telah terungkap.

Ha Ji-won memiliki sebuah wawancara dengan majalah  lifestyle, "The Celebrity".

Ha Ji-won, orangtuanya, saudara perempuan dan saudara laki-lakinya  Jeon Tae-soo yang saat ini membintangi drama MBC harian "The Daughter of the Emperor"  berkumpul di rumah orang tua mereka untuk mengambil foto keluarga ini.

Ha Ji-won tidak memiliki jam tidur malam sebelumnya karena syuting larut malam tapi dia sangat teliti  dan rinci tentang bagaimana foto itu diambil.

Dia berkata, "Saya sangat ingin bersama keluarga saya . Aku ingin melakukan ini sekali dan saya senang kami mendapat kesempatan".

 #Wah eommanya cantik banget ya, saudara2 eonni cakep2 euy :D

Ha Ji-won's family picture has been revealed.

Ha Ji-won had an interview with the lifestyle magazine, "The Celebrity".

Ha Ji-won, her parents, sisters and brother Jeon Tae-soo who is currently starring in the MBC daily drama "The Daughter of the Emperor" gathered at their parents' home to take this family photo.

Ha Ji-won hadn't had an hours sleep the previous night due to late night filming but she was very alert and detailed about how the picture was taken.

She said, "I wanted to be with my family the most. I wanted to do this once and I'm glad we got the chance".


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