Joo Won to Perform at ‘2013 KBS Drama Awards’

Joo Won akan tampil di 2013 KBS Drama Awards untuk tahun kedua berturut-turut .

Menurut agensinya , Joo Won akan menyanyi If I Were pada tanggal 31 Desember 2013 di KBS Drama Awards di aula KBS di Yeouido , Seoul .

If I Were adalah lagu yang Joo Won nyanyikan  sebagai 'Park Si On' ketika ia membintangi KBS 2TV drama Good Doctor . Lagu ini dirilis di berbagai situs musik berkat popularitas drama .

Aktor ini sebelumnya telah menyanyikan OST dari drama KBS Bridal Mask di KBS Drama Awards 2012 juga.

Setelah memenangkan Best New  Aktor tahun 2011 dan Excellence Award untuk serangkaian panjang pada tahun 2012 dari KBS Drama Awards , banyak yang bertanya-tanya apakah Joo Won akan memenangkan penghargaan lain tahun ini setelah membintangi drama Good Doctor .

 #suara oppa emang bener2 keren .Mendamaikan hati :D

Joo Won will be performing at 2013 KBS Drama Awards for the second year in a row.

According to his agency, Joo Won will be singing If I Were on December 31 at 2013 KBS Drama Awards in the KBS hall in Yeouido, Seoul.

Joo Won to Perform at ‘2013 KBS Drama Awards’

If I Were is a song that Joo Won sang as ‘Park Si On’ when he starred in KBS 2TV’s drama Good Doctor. The song was released on various music sites thanks to the popularity of the drama.

The actor had previously performed an OST from the KBS drama Bridal Mask at 2012 KBS Drama Awards as well.

After winning the Best New Actor Award in 2011 and Excellence Award for a long series in 2012 from KBS Drama Awards, many are wondering if Joo Won will win yet another award this year after starring in the drama Good Doctor.

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