Anggota MBLAQ Lee Joon tampil  di  acara SBS ' One Night of TV Entertainment ' episode 11 Desember  2013 dan berbicara tentang filmnya ' Rough Play ' serta saingannya .

Mengenai film, ia berkata , " Ketika saya menerima script , aku terkejut hingga aku merinding . Saya berpikir bahwa jika saya tidak melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik , saya akan sangat dikritik . Di sisi lain , saya berpikir bahwa jika saya melakukannya dengan baik , saya akan mendapatkan banyak pujian . "

Lee Joon kemudian di tanya siapa saingannya  dan ia memilih IU . Ia  mengatakan , " IU benar-benar baik di akting . " 

Dia kemudian berpikir tentang hal itu dan berkata sambil tersenyum , " Saya memfilmkan adegan ranjang . Aku yakin IU tidak akan mampu untuk syuting  adegan ranjang . Aku difilmkan satu , " 

 MC  berkata " Baik baginya . "

#Aigoo aigooo oppaaaaa :D

MBLAQ's Lee Joon appeared on the December 11 installment of SBS's 'One Night of TV Entertainment' and talked about his movie 'Rough Play' as well as his rival.

Regarding the movie, he said, "When I received the script, I was shocked to the point I got goosebumps.  I thought that if I did not do a good job, I would be greatly criticized. On the other hand, I thought that if I did well, I would get a lot of praise."

Lee Joon was then asked who his rival was and he chose IU, saying, "IU is really good at acting."  He then thought about it and said with a smile, "I filmed a bed scene.  I bet IU wouldn't be able to film a bed scene.  I filmed one," to which the show's MC said, "Good for him."

Which do you think might be the better actor?

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