Mantan anggota Sechskies Ko Ji Yong dilaporkan telah mengikat simpul pernikahan!

Dia dan istrinya, Heo Yang Im yang digambarkan sebagai 'Kim Tae Hee dari dunia medis,' mengadakan upacara pernikahan pribadi di Grand Hyatt di Seoul pada 13 Desember.

Istrinya  sebelumnya muncul di KBS 2TV 'Vitamin' & 'Escape Crisis Number 1'  serta MBC 'Magazine Power. Juga telah mengungkapkan bahwa Ko Ji Yong bekerja di luar industri hiburan sebagai seorang pengusaha.

Netizens berkomentar, "pernikahan Ko Ji Yong, mengingatkan saya pada 'Reply 1997'," "Selamat kepada pasangan yang indah," dan "Memiliki pernikahan yang bahagia."

Congrats untuk pasangan yang baru menikah!

Former Sechskies member Ko Ji Yong is reported to have tied the knot!

He and his wife, Heo Yang Im who is described as the 'Kim Tae Hee of the medical world,' held a private wedding ceremony at the Grand Hyatt in Seoul on December 13.

She's formerly appeared on KBS 2TV's 'Vitamin' and 'Escape Crisis Number 1' as well as MBC's 'Power Magazine'. It's also been revealed that Ko Ji Yong is working outside of the entertainment industry as a businessman.

Netizens commented, "Ko Ji Yong's marriage, reminds me of 'Reply 1997'," "Congratulations to the beautiful couple," and "Have a happy marriage."

Congrats to the newly married couple!

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