Meskipun banyak nama selebriti telah beredar dalam kaitannya dengan skandal prostitusi , tim jaksa mengungkapkan bahwa tidak ada selebriti top yang disebutkan terlibat dengan cara apapun . 

Sekarang telah  terbuka bahwa Yoon Eun Hye tidak pernah terlibat dalam jaringan prostitusi , agencynya  akhirnya angkat bicara tentang situasi.

Seorang perwakilan dari The House Company mengatakan kepada Newsen , "Hasil Penyelidikan jaksa dari kemarin tidak mengejutkan . Kami yakin dari awal dan menunggu dengan tenang untuk hasil . "

Rep menambahkan , " Bahkan ketika namanya pertama kali dimasukkan dalam daftar , kami tidak ingin benar-benar menyibukkan diri dengan itu karena konten adalah omong kosong .  Sekarang penyelidikan hasilnya keluar, kami tidak mau lagi terhubung ke situasi ini . "

Tampaknya Yoon Eun Hye dan agennya yakin bahwa kebenaran akan terungkap ke publik .

Although many celebrity names had been circulating in relation to the prostitution scandal, the prosecution team revealed that none of the mentioned top celebrities were involved in any way. Now that it's out in the open that Yoon Eun Hye was never involved in the prostitution ring, the actress' agency finally spoke up about the situation.

A rep from The House Company told Newsen, "The prosecutors' investigation results from yesterday are not surprising. We were confident from the beginning and were waiting quietly for the results."

The rep added, "Even when her name was first included in the list, we did not want to really concern ourselves with it because the content was complete nonsense. Yoon Eun Hye is also very composed at the moment... Now that the investigation results are out, we no longer want to be connected to this situation. We want to quietly move on."

It appears that Yoon Eun Hye and her agency were confident that the truth would be revealed to the public.

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