Kim Soo Hyun
Rumor mengatakan  bahwa Kim Soo Hyun , aktris dan supermodel yang biasa dipanggil Yoo Ri El , telah berperan dalam film Hollywood " The Avengers : . Age of Ultron " Tapi agencynya mengatakan bahwa dia belum menandatangani kontrak untuk film , yang juga akan dikenal sebagai " Avengers 2 . "

" Memang benar bahwa ia mengikuti audisi untuk peran ini , " kata perwakilannya . " Tapi kami belum menerima jawaban . Kami sedang meminta Marvel untuk mengkonfirmasi untuk kami dan sedang menunggu pernyataan seperti itu. "

Film The Avengers didasarkan pada buku komik Marvel dengan nama yang sama di mana tim superhero melindungi bumi . Di sekuel  , para Avengers akan berkumpul kembali untuk pertempuran Ultron .

Jika Kim Soo Hyun terpilih, ia akan memainkan dokter yang membantu Tony Stark / Iron Man yang diperankan oleh Robert Downey Jr . Laporan sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa dia akan memainkan penjahat tapi sekarang diketahui bahwa dia hanya akan mulai bekerja untuk Ultron , diperankan oleh James Spader , maka akan beralih menjadi orang baik yang setia pada  Tony Stark . Dia dan Iron Man mungkin terjebak dalam sebuah roman .

Sekitar 40 aktris Korea mengikuti audisi untuk peran , termasuk beberapa bintang top . Audisi diadakan di Korea dengan sutradara Joss Whedon  yang mengambil bagian dalam putaran final audisi . Kefasihan Kim Soo Hyun dalam bahasa Inggris membantu membuatnya menjadi pesaing utama . Dia memiliki pengalaman bermain adegan aksi dan dia supermodel yang terlihat baik  .

Kim Soo Hyun memulai karirnya sebagai model pada tahun 2005 dengan memenangkan Super Model Contest Korea / China . Dia belajar bahasa Inggris ketika dia tinggal di AS .Dia telah berakting di beberapa drama , termasuk " The Fugitive Plan B " dan "Level 7 Civil Servant."

Film ini akan dibintangi Scarlett Johansson , Chris Hemsworth , Robert Downey Jr , Mark Ruffalo dan James Spader sebagai Ultron . Aaron Taylor - Johnson akan bermain Quicksilver dan Elizabeth Olsen akan bermain adiknya .

Bagian dari film yang syuting di Gangnam dan Gyeonggi -do pada bulan Februari dan Maret . Banyak landmark Seoul akan ditampilkan dalam film . Tim produksi top Korea telah memilih untuk bekerja kru produksi dengan film di Hollywood  .

 " Avengers 2 " akan  memukul bioskop pada tanggal 1 Mei 2015.

Rumors are flying that Kim Soo Hyun, the actress and supermodel who used to be called Yoo Ri El, has been cast in the Hollywood film "The Avengers: Age of Ultron." But her agency says that she has not yet signed a contract for the film, which will also be known as "Avengers 2."

Her agency, Apple of the Eye, was caught off guard when the rumors began to spread because they had not yet received confirmation of her casting.

"It is true that she auditioned for the role," said an Apple of the Eye representative. "But we have not yet received an answer. We are currently asking Marvel to confirm for us and are waiting for a statement to that effect."

The Avengers films are based on the Marvel comic books of the same name in which a team of superheroes protect the earth. In the sequel the Avengers will reassemble to battle Ultron.

If Kim Soo Hyun is cast, she will play a doctor who assists Tony Stark/Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr. Previous reports said that she would play a villain but now it is known that she will only start out working for Ultron, played by James Spader, then will shift her allegiance to good guy Tony Stark. She and Iron Man may get caught up in a romance.

Up to 40 Korean actresses auditioned for the role, including a few top stars. Auditions were held in Korea with director Joss Whedon taking part in the final round of auditions. Kim Soo Hyun's fluency in English helped make her a top contender. She has experience playing action scenes and her supermodel good looks did not hurt.

Kim Soo Hyun began her career as a model in 2005 by winning the Korea/China Super Model Contest. She learned English when she lived in the U.S. She has acted in a few dramas, including "The Fugitive Plan B" and "Level 7 Civil Servant."

The film will star Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo and James Spader as Ultron. Aaron Taylor-Johnson will play Quicksilver and Elizabeth Olsen will play his sister.

Parts of the film are being shot in Gangnam and Gyeonggi-do in February and March.  Many Seoul landmarks will be featured in the film. Top Korea's top production teams have already been chosen to work with the Hollywood film production crew.

 "Avengers 2" is due to hit theaters on May 1, 2015.


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