Menurut laporan media outlet pada tanggal 29 Januari di Korea , tampak bahwa Jonghyun SHINee mungkin dalam suatu hubungan baru dengan aktris Lee Yu Bi !

Artikel tersebut menyatakan di atas kertas , " Persahabatan antara Jong Hyun dan Lee Yu Bi berkembang menjadi hubungan romantis , mereka telah sungguh-sungguh berkencan sejak akhir tahun lalu. Mereka sangat menyayangi satu sama lain . . "

Menurut laporan itu , orang yang mencomblangi Jong Hyun dan Lee Yu Bi tak lain adalah Kang Min Kyung Davichi  . Karena mereka semua lahir pada tahun 1990 , mereka bertiga sering menghadiri pertemuan ramah bersama-sama . Trio ini juga dikenal sebagai teman dekat selebriti .

Jonghyun dan Lee Yu Bi dilaporkan sering berkencan di sekitar Gangnam dan  terlihat berpegangan tangan , juga.

 Kedua belah pihak telah membantah berada dalam suatu hubungan , mengklaim bahwa keduanya hanya teman baik.

 Agency Lee Yu Bi Sidus HQ mengatakan kepada  Xports News, " Mereka hanya teman baik . Mereka pada istilah yang sangat dekat, tetapi mereka pasti tidak berkencan . " Agency itu juga mengatakan , " rumor kencan telah beredar untuk sementara waktu sehingga kami memeriksa di atasnya dan menemukan bahwa keduanya memang dekat tetapi belum menjadi pasangan. "

Demikian juga , SM Entertainment mengatakan , " Ini tidak benar . Mereka hanya teman antara grup orang yang lahir pada tahun 1990 yang bertemu untuk pertemuan-pertemuan . "

Kang Min Kyung , yang di duga mencomblangi keduanya  juga berbicara membantah klaim ini . Agencynya Core Content Media  mengatakan kepada Newsen , " Laporan yang menyatakan bahwa Kang Min Kyung menghubungkan  Jonghyun SHINee dan aktris Lee Yu Bi dalam berpacaran ,rumor ini benar-benar palsu . Memang benar bahwa Kang Min Kyung adalah teman baik dengan Lee Yu Bi  Namun , Kang min Kyung terkejut oleh laporan tak berdasar ini tentang dia memainkan peran sebagai mak comblang. "

#Wah kalo mereka pacaran setuju aja , Lee Yu Bi cantik dan imut kok

According to a media outlet report on January 29 in Korea, it appears that SHINee's Jonghyun may be in a new relationship with actress Lee Yu Bi!

The article stated on paper, "The friendship between Jong Hyun and Lee Yu Bi developed into a romantic relationship; they have been earnestly dating since the end of last year.  They are very loving toward each other."

According to the report, the person who connected Jong Hyun and Lee Yu Bi were none other than Davichi's Kang Min Kyung.  As they were all born in 1990, the three of them have often attended friendly gatherings together.  The trio was also known to be close celebrity friends.

Jonghyun and Lee Yu Bi were reported to mostly have dates in the vicinity of Gangnam and were supposedly seen holding hands, as well.

Both parties have denied being in a relationship, claiming that the two are only friends. 

Just a few hours ago, it was reported that SHINee's Jonghyun and actress Lee Yu Bi may be more dating.  However, both of their agencies stepped up to refute this claim by saying they were in fact only close friends.

Lee Yu Bi's agency Sidus HQ told Xports News, "They are just good friends.  They are on very friendly terms, but they are definitely not dating."  The agency also said, "The dating rumor had been around for a while so we checked up on it and found that the two are indeed close but have not become a couple."

Likewise, SM Entertainment said, "It is not true.  They are just friends among the group of people born in 1990 that meet up for gatherings."

Kang Min Kyung, who was the alleged "match maker," also spoke up against this claim. Her agency Core Contents Media told Newsen, "The report stating that Kang Min Kyung connected SHINee's Jonghyun and actress Lee Yu Bi in this dating rumor is completely false.  It is true that Kang Min Kyung is good friends with Lee Yu Bi.  However, Kang Min Kyung was taken aback by this baseless report about her playing the role of match maker."

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