Sport Seoul merilis laporan eksklusif tentang hubungan asmara Sooyoung SNSD & Jung Kyung Ho .Keduanya sebelumnya telah di beritakan beberapa kali berpacaran namun dengan tegas membantah dan menyatakan bahwa hubungan mereka hanya teman gereja dan hubungan sunbae  hoobae, setelah menghadiri sekolah yang sama. 

Rumor itu kembali, kali ini melalui laporan eksklusif  'Sports Seoul'  yang mengatakan bahwa pasangan telah berpacaran selama setahun, mulai sekitar waktu Jung Kyung Ho sudah mendekati akhir masa dinas militer. Untuk mendukung klaim mereka, mereka menyediakan foto dan video dari keduanya yang berkencan.

Pasangan ini juga tampaknya terlihat menikmati pesta malam Natal di rumah Sooyoung di Nonhyeondong, Seoul dengan kakaknya Choi Soo Jin dan teman-teman. Sebelum pesta, Jung Kyung Ho terlihat memasuki toko Chanel di sebuah department store di Apgujeong untuk memilih hadiah untuk Sooyoung. Namun, 'Sports Seoul' menyatakan bahwa pasangan sering menikmati menonton film dan kencan di mobil  bersama-sama, mencoba untuk menjauh dari mata publik.  

SME kini menegaskan bahwa keduanya memang berkencan! Agency ini mengungkapkan bahwa mereka tidak tahu periode waktu yang tepat ketika keduanya memulai hubungan mereka, tetapi mereka berkomentar kepada beberapa media, "Rumor kencan adalah benar. Sementara mereka sedekat sunbae dan hoobae tahun lalu, hubungan mereka berkembang menjadi  pasangan ... Harap mengawasi mereka dengan sayang. "

Pihak Jung Kyung Ho  sekarang juga mengkonfirmasi. Mereka menyatakan, "Dia dan Sooyoung berpacaran ... Kami mohon maaf bahwa kami tidak menanggapi jujur ​​dua atau lebih kali rumor dilaporkan. Pada saat itu, ketika kami meminta Jung Kyung Ho, ia mengatakan bahwa hal itu tidak benar jadi kami telah menanggapi seperti itu sebelumnya. Mohon maaf. Kami akan mengungkapkan pernyataan resmi kami segera. "

#Wah siapa lagi ya anggota SNSD yang berkencan berikutnya ???


Sooyoung (24) is the next Girls' Generation member reported to be in a relationship this new year and the mystery boyfriend is none other than actor Jung Kyung Ho (31), whom she has been rumored to be dating several times before.

Rumors of the two dating previously made headlines back in February and again in October of last year to which Sooyoung and Jung Kyung Ho stated that they were just church buddies and sunbae and hoobae, having attended the same school.

The rumor is back, this time through 'Sports Seoul's exclusive, who say that the pair have been dating for a year, starting around the time Jung Kyung Ho was nearing the end of his military service term. To back up their claim, they are providing photos and video of the two on a date.

The couple were also apparently spotted enjoying a Christmas Eve party at Sooyoung's house in Nonhyeondong, Seoul with her older sister Choi Soo Jin and friends. Prior to the party, Jung Kyung Ho was seen entering a Chanel storefront at a department store in Apgujeong to pick out a present for Sooyoung. However, 'Sports Seoul' states that the couple often enjoy movie and car dates together, trying to stay away from the public eye.

Stay tuned for official statements, but in the meantime, you can check out the video clip released below to see for yourself.

[Update] - SM has now confirmed that the two are indeed dating! The agency revealed that they do not know the exact time period when the two started their relationship, but they commented to several media outlets, "The dating rumors are true. While they were close as sunbae and hoobae last year, their relationship progressed into that of a couple... Please watch over them fondly."

[Update 2] - Jung Kyung Ho's reps have now also confirmed. They stated, "He and Sooyoung are dating... We are sorry that we did not respond truthfully the two or so times the rumors were reported. At the time, when we asked Jung Kyung Ho, he had said that it wasn't true so we had responded that way before. We are sorry. We will reveal our official statement soon."

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan... Senin, 06 Januari 2014 pukul 17.46.00 WIB

"Raja Korea Selatan" Lee seung gi (the king 2 hearts) berpacaran dgn "Istri Perdana Mentri" YoonA SNSD (prime minister & I) hehehe...
Siapa lagi ya member SNSD yg terbuka dgn kisah asmaranya? Kita tunggu aja kabar dr mereka.
Hwaiting ^^

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