Saat syuting untuk drama jTBC Cruel Palace: War of Flowersga pada tanggal 25 Maret 2013, Jun Tae Su terluka di atas mata kirinya, namun ia tetap melanjutkan syuting setelah menerima beberapa pengobatan darurat.

Sebuah laporan dari pihak produksi drama mengatakan, "Juni Tae Su sedang syuting sebuah adegan aksi di mana ia harus bertarung dengan enam pembunuh, dan ia cedera ketika seorang aktor menjatuhkan pedangnya. Para produsen dan pemain semua terkejut pada cedera,. Tetapi ia terus syuting tanpa menunjukkan tanda-tanda ia telah terguncang. "

Moon Yong Sung  kepala agency Jun Tae Su, mengatakan, "Insiden ini terjadi karena ia begitu bergairah tentang karyanya. Untungnya dia tidak  perlu dijahit atau operasi,. Sehingga ia beristirahat di rumahnya setelah menyelesaikan adegannya. "

Jun Tae Su saat ini muncul dalam drama sebagai Nam Hyuk, putra dari keluarga aristokrat yang jatuh. Keluarganya menderita kemiskinan setelah dituduh sebagai pengkhianat, tapi ia masih terus merawat ibunya yang tua tanpa kehilangan hati yang baik itu.

Huaaa kangen ama oppa satu ini :D

Jun Tae Su Injured While Shooting ′Cruel Palace′

While shooting for his jTBC drama Cruel Palace: War of Flowers on March 25, he was cut above his left eye, but he nevertheless continued filming after receiving some emergency treatment.
A rep from Cruel Palace said, "Jun Tae Su was filming an action scene in which he had to fight six assassins, and he got cut when an actor dropped his sword. The producers and cast were all surprised at the injury, but he continued filming without showing any signs he had been shaken."

Moon Yong Sung, head of Jun Tae Su′s agency, said, "The incident happened because he was so passionate about his piece. Fortunately he won′t need stitches or surgery, so he′s resting at his home after wrapping up his scenes."

Jun Tae Su currently appears in the drama as Nam Hyuk, the son of a fallen aristocratic family. His family suffers from poverty after being framed as traitors, but still he continues to take care of his old mother without losing his kind heart.


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