Aktris Lee Chung-Ah akan ikut bermain di drama SBS WONDERFUL MAMA yang telah memilih Jung Gyu Woon-, Jung Yoo-Mi dan Bae Jong-Ok. Dalam drama seri, Lee Chung-Ah memainkan peran sebagai Oh Da-Jung, yang berteman dengan Ko Young-Chae (Jung Yoo-Mi). Oh Da-Jung hidup kesepian, dengan suaminya yang sering memandang rendah pada dirinya dan orang lain cenderung memanfaatkannya karena karakternya yang polos.

WONDERFUL MAMA mengudara mulai Mei ini di Korea Selatan setelah drama seri "" My Love, Madame Butterfly " usai.

Actress Lee Chung-Ah is cast in SBS drama series WONDERFUL MAMA, which has already cast Jung Gyu-Woon, Jung Yoo-Mi and Bae Jong-Ok. In the drama series, Lee Chung-Ah plays Oh Da-Jung, who is friends with Ko Young-Chae (Jung Yoo-Mi). Oh Da-Jung lives a bit of a lonely life, with her husband frequently looking down on her and others tending to use her because of her pure character.

WONDERFUL MAMA airs beginning this May in South Korea (airs in the Sat. & Sun 10pm time slot after the conclusion of drama series ""My Love, Madame Butterfly"").


Park Shi Hoo Updated

Park Shi Hoo Gugat Balik

Park Si Hoo mengajukan Gugatan balik terhadap penuduhnya dan juga menggugat mantan agencynya serta senior / teman baik A.

Menurut polisi,kuasa hukum Park Si Hoo menggugat penuduh 'A' , teman baik A yakni 'B' dan mantan agencynya Mr Hwang untuk ancaman percobaan, fitnah dan tuduhan palsu.

B baru-baru ini menegaskan melalui wawancara dengan outlet media tertentu mengatakan "Park Si Hoo sengaja memperkosa A"

Di sisi lain, Park Si Hoo telah menuduh A dan B dari perencanaan insiden di awal untuk mendapatkan uang darinya untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Ia juga menuntut Mr Hwang dalam kasus ini karena ia percaya Mr Hwang menjadi dalang rencana.

Park Si Hoo telah digugat karena memperkosa A di rumahnya setelah ia kehilangan kesadaran dari minum.

Aktor ini membantah semua tuduhan, dan mengatakan melalui agency barunya bahwa ia tidak menggunakan kekerasan dalam hubungan seksual.

Park Si Hoo Sues His Accuser and the Head of His Former Agency

Park Si Hoo filed a countercharge against his accuser, and also sued his former agency rep as well as his accuser′s senior.

According to the police, Park Si Hoo′s law firm Prume sued the accuser ′A′, her senior ′B′ and Park Si Hoo′s former agency rep Mr. Hwang for attempted threat, libel and false accusations.

B has recently asserted through an interview with a certain media outlet that "Park Si Hoo deliberately raped A."

On the other hand, Park Si Hoo has accused A and B of planning the incident in advance in order to demand money from him to settle the matter. He has also included Mr. Hwang in the case as he believes Mr. Hwang to be the mastermind behind the plan.

Park Si Hoo has been sued for raping A at his home after she lost consciousness from drinking.

The actor has denied all charges, and has said through his agency that he used no force in the sexual relations.


Park Shi Hoo Updated

Mr Hwang Bantah Terlibat

Setelah gugatan dilayangkan oleh Park Si Hoo, Mr Hwang, mantan kepala agency Park Shi Hoo mengumumkan bahwa ia tidak ada hubungannya dengan kasus ini.

Eyagi Entertainment menyatakan melalui siaran pers resmi yang dikeluarkan pada tanggal 5 Maret, "Kami ingin membuat jelas bahwa kepala [Eyagi Entertainment] tidak ada hubungannya dengan Mr Park Si Hoo yang sedang dituduh pemerkosaan."

Ia menambahkan, "Kami telah bekerja keras untuk menemukan solusi yang bekerja untuk kasus ini, dan kami sedang menunggu hasil dari penyelidikan dengan harapan bahwa hal itu akan diselesaikan secepat mungkin . Kami menyesal mendengar tentang tuduhan ini.. meskipun kita mungkin akan dipanggil untuk ditanyai, kami akan bekerja sama secara penuh untuk memperbaiki reputasi kami yang rusak . "

"Kami bekerja sama dengan Mr Park Si Hoo selama tiga tahun sebagai agensinya, banyak pejabat tahu kita dan perwakilan kami telah bekerja keras untuknya, merawat tidak hanya untuk pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan isu-isu tetapi juga untuk melindungi kehidupan pribadinya. Kami ingin menekankan bahwa kesulitan yang dimiliki Mr Park Si Hoo merugikan banyak keuangan dan kita terlibat dalam berbagai tuntutan hukum, dan bahwa mereka tidak membantu agency . mereka benar-benar merusak reputasi kami. "

"Kami berharap bahwa bahkan setelah berakhirnya kontrak kami, kami dan Mr Park Si Hoo akan terus saling membantu, dan kami yakin bahwa kami melakukan yang terbaik untuk ini."

Park Si Hoo menggugat penuduhnya A, senior A "B" dan mantan kepala agencynya pada 4 Maret untuk ancaman percobaan, fitnah dan tuduhan palsu.

#Wah Park Shi Hoo kok malah nuduh mantan agencynya ya ??

Park Si Hoo′s Former Agency Rep Says He Had Nothing to Do with the Rape Case

Following the accusations voiced by Park Si Hoo, Mr. Hwang, the head of the actor′s former agency, announced that he has nothing to do with the case.

Eyagi Entertainment stated through an official press release issued on March 5, "We wish to make clear that the head of [Eyagi Entertainment] has nothing to do with Mr. Park Si Hoo′s being accused of rape."

It added, "We have worked hard to find a working solution to the case, and we are waiting for the results of the investigation with hopes that it will be resolved as quickly as possible. We are sorry to hear about [the accusations]. Though we may be summoned for questioning, we will cooperate in full to repair our damaged reputation."

"We worked together with Mr. Park Si Hoo for three years as his agency," it then said. "Many officials know we and our representative have worked hard for him, caring not only for such work-related issues as his choices for his next piece, but also for the protection of his personal life. We wish to emphasize that the difficulties that have come to Mr. Park Si Hoo could deal us much financial harm and get us involved in a variety of lawsuits, and that they do not help the agency in any way. They actually tarnish our reputation."

It finished, "We hoped that even after the termination of our contract, we and Mr. Park Si Hoo would continue to help each other, and we are sure that we did our best to make this possible."

Park Si Hoo sued his accuser, her senior and his former agency rep on March 4 for attempted threat, libel and false accusations.


Park Shi Hoo Updated

"A" Klaim di Perkosa Park Shi Hoo 2 Kali

Menurut News1, ketika polisi telah menyerahkan rambut A, darah, dan urin untuk forensik, pengujian mengungkapkan bahwa DNA laki-laki terdeteksi dalam sampel sekresinya. Untuk mengkonfirmasi identitas yang DNA miliki, sampel dari Park Si Hoo dan hoobae nya 'K' yang diperoleh dikirim ke Dinas Forensik Nasional.

Ketika 'A' telah melaporkan aktor untuk penyerangan seksual, dia melaporkan, "Ketika saya sedang mabuk, Park Si Hoo memperkosa saya dua kali di rumahnya."

Namun, Park Si Hoo mengaku berhubungan seks dengan dia, sehingga DNA kemungkinan besar akan berubah menjadi Park Si Hoo. Hoobaenya "K" menjelaskan, "Saya sedang tidur di ruang tamu dengan selimut dari kamarnya, dan aku kembali selimut di pagi hari. 'A' dan Park Si Hoo sedang tidur, dan saya percaya 'A' berpikir aku memperkosanya karena selimut saya letakkan kembali. "

#Kebenaran mudah-mudahan segera terungkap :(

A’ claims Park Si Hoo raped her twice

According to News1, when the police had submitted ‘A’s hair, blood, and urine to forensics, testing revealed that presence of a male’s DNA was detected in her secretion samples. To confirm the identity of who the DNA belonged to, oral samples from both Park Si Hoo and his hoobae ‘K’ were obtained and sent to the National Forensics Service. When ‘A’ had reported the actor for sexual assault, she had reported, “When I was drunk, Park Si Hoo raped me twice at his house.”

However, Park Si Hoo admitted to having sex with her, so the DNA will most likely turn out to be Park Si Hoo’s. His hoobae ‘K’ explained, “I was sleeping in the living room with the blankets from his room, and I returned the blankets in the morning. ‘A’ and Park Si Hoo were asleep, and I believe ‘A’ thinks I raped her because of the blankets I put back.”


Park Shi Hoo Updated

"A" Ungkap Percakapan Kakaotalknya dengan "K" secara Lengkap

Dengan gugatan balik yang dilayangkan Park Shi Hoo , " A " mengungkapkan sejarah percakapan Kakaotalknya dengan Hoobae Park Shi Hoo Mr Kim "K" , karena merasa ada bagian-bagian yang dihilangkan .Percakapan terjadi sehari setelah malam penyerangan seksual dituduhkan.

Sejarah KakaoTalk berbunyi sebagai berikut:

K (Kim): Maaf aku harus pergi lebih awal, saya akan mengambil beberapa hal di rumah. Panggil aku ketika Anda dan oppa (Park Si Hoo) hanging out.

K: Anda baik-baik saja? (Mengacu pada malam saat minum)

A (trainee): Saya masih tidak bisa sadar ..

A: Saya pikir saya gila kemarin γ…œ γ…œ

A: Ah Ah γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ

A: Kesalahan terbesar dalam hidup saya

K: Saya tidak tahu kita akan minum seperti itu kemarin ..

K: Saya benar-benar terjebak dalam suasana hati

K: γ…  γ…  Minum obat jika Anda tidak merasa baik

A: γ…œ γ…œ Dan di atas itu .. sigh γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ

A: Ji Mot Mi (singkatan untuk 'Maaf saya tidak bisa melindungi Anda') γ…œ γ…œ

K: Anda tidak membuat kesalahan

K: Tidak apa-apa selama Anda bersenang-senang

K: Mari kita pergi ke klub kemudian

A: Sigh keke Anda akan ke Club L **, kan?

K: Yup

K: Bentuk badan Anda benar-benar

K: Saya benar-benar terkejut

A: Kekeke γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ Apakah Anda mengolok-olok saya

A: Yang aku lebih terkejut tentang adalah mengapa saya berada di tempat tidur dengan Park Si Hoo oppa γ…œ γ…œ

K: Kemudian Anda pikir Anda seharusnya dengan saya?

K: Saya akan tidur dengan kalian tapi tempat tidur terlalu kecil, jadi aku hanya keluar ke ruang tamu

A: Darn!! γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ γ…œ Ah ah itu sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak terduga keke ... whew

K: keke aku juga mabuk kemarin .

K: Saya tidak akan pernah minum lagi.

K: Anda tidak boleh minum lagi, oke?

A: Saya biasanya tidak minum γ…œ γ…œ tapi saya minum kemarin sengaja karena kamu!

K: Aw benar?

K: Istirahatlah dulu

K: Mari kita bermain nanti keke

Dengan mengungkapkan keseluruhan dari percakapan yang terjadi setelah malam kejadian antara dirinya dan 'K', 'A' berharap untuk menunjukkan bahwa insiden yang dituduhkan tidak terjadi karena perasaan alami yang telah dikembangkan antara dia dan Park Si Hoo.

Pernyataan 'A mementahkan argumen Park Shi Hoo yang menyatakan, "Sementara memainkan permainan minum yang diusulkan Park Si Hoo dan setelah minum beberapa minuman campuran dengan Soju, dia kehilangan kesadaran. Tidak ada waktu bagi mereka untuk mengembangkan perasaan untuk satu sama lain. "

Hal ini juga bertentangan dengan apa yang 'K' nyatakan sebelumnya di dalam penyelidikan dimana ia mengatakan bahwa ia tidak minum pada saat itu.

Selain itu, pada tuduhan 'A' bersekongkol dengan CEO mantan agency Park Shi Hoo tim hukum nya berkomentar, "Ada saat-saat dimana CEO mantan agencynya menghubungi kami meminta untuk menyelesaikan, namun tidak benar kita bersekongkol dengan dia. "

Mantan agency Park Si Hoo juga langsung membantah memiliki hubungan dengan kasus ini.Setelah berita Park Si Hoo dan 'K' menggugat 'A' serta sunbae nya 'B' dan mantan CEOnya 'C', Mengomentari, "Bahkan setelah kontrak mereka berakhir, CEO dan Park Si Hoo memutuskan untuk tetap sebagai kenalan yang bisa menawarkan bantuan satu sama lain pada saat dibutuhkan. Jadi untuk melakukannya, CEO mencoba yang terbaik ... Karena berbagai asumsi dan rumor palsu, tampaknya Park Si Hoo dan timnya telah salahpaham dan menyebabkan gugatan ini. Kami merasa sangat sedih dan menyesal bahwa ia melakukan ini. CEO akan melakukan semua yang dia bisa, bahkan jika itu berarti masuk ke gugatan dengan Park Si Hoo, untuk membuktikan bahwa dia tidak bersalah. "

#wah makin runyam nech, btw seorang yang habis di perkosa masih bisa tertawa ngakak patut dipertanyakan nech ??

Trainee ‘A’ reveals full KakaoTalk message history with Park Si Hoo’s hoobae, Mr. Kim .

With Park Si Hoo‘s side now taking the offense by firing back with lawsuits of their own, trainee ‘A’ and her legal team has revealed the full KakaoTalk message history between ‘A’, and Park Si Hoo’s hoobae, Mr, Kim (‘K’).

Feeling that only certain parts of the KakaoTalk history between her and Mr. Kim, the one who introduced her to Park Si Hoo, was unfairly revealed last week, ‘A’s legal time has now released more of the conversation that took place the day after the night of the alleged sexual assault.

The KakaoTalk history reads as follows:

K (Mr. Kim): Sorry I had to leave earlier, I had stuff to take of at home. Call me when you and oppa (Park Si Hoo) are done hanging out.

K: You feeling okay? (in reference to the night of drinking)

A (trainee): I still can’t sober up..

A: I think I was crazy yesterday γ…œγ…œ

A: Ah Ah γ…œγ…œγ…œ

A: The biggest mistake of my life

K: I didn’t know we’d drink like that yesterday either..

K: I was totally caught up in the mood

K: γ… γ…  Take medicine since you aren’t feeling well

A: γ…œγ…œ And on top of that.. sigh γ…œγ…œγ…œ

A: Ji Mot Mi (an abbreviation for ‘Sorry I couldn’t protect you’) γ…œγ…œ

K: You didn’t make any mistakes

K: It’s fine as long as you had fun

K: Let’s go to the club later

A: Sigh keke you’re going to Club L**, right?

K: Yup

K: Your figure is totally

K: I was really surprised

A: Kekeke γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œ Are you making fun of me

A: The thing I was more surprised about was why I was on the bed with Park Si Hoo oppa γ…œγ…œ

K: Then do you think you should have been with me?

K: I was going to sleep with you guys but the bed was too small, so I just came out into the living room

A: Darn!! γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œ Ah ah it was something totally unexpected keke… whew

K: keke I was drunk yesterday too.

K: I’m never going to drink again.

K: You shouldn’t drink either, okay?

A: I usually don’t drink γ…œγ…œ but I drank yesterday on purpose because of you!!!

K: Aw really?

K: Rest up first

K: Let’s play later keke

By revealing the entirety of the conversation that took place after the night between herself and ‘K’, ‘A’ hopes to show that the alleged incident did not occur due to natural feelings that had developed between her and Park Si Hoo. ‘A’s reps countered Park Si Hoo’s sides argument, stating, “While playing a drinking game at the suggestion of Park Si Hoo and after drinking a couple of mixed drinks with soju, she lost consciousness. There was no time for them to develop feelings for one another.”

It also goes against what ‘K’ had stated earlier on in the investigations as he had said that he didn’t drink at the time.

In addition, on the account of ‘A’ conspiring with Park Si Hoo’s former agency’s CEO to frame Park Si Hoo, her legal team commented, “There were times that the former agency’s CEO contacted us asking to settle, but there is absolutely no truth to us conspiring with him.”

Park Si Hoo’s former agency also directly denied having anything to do with this case after the news of Park Si Hoo and ‘K’ suing ‘A’ as well as her sunbae ‘B’ and the actor’s former agency’s CEO ‘C’, commenting, “Even after their contract ended, the CEO and Park Si Hoo decided to remain as acquaintances who could offer help to one another in times of need. So in order to do so, the CEO tried his best… Due to various assumptions and false rumors, it seems Park Si Hoo and his side’s misunderstanding has been growing, and led to this lawsuit. We feel very sad and regretful that it has come to this. The CEO will do all that he can, even if it means getting into a lawsuit with Park Si Hoo, to prove his innocence.“


Aktris Han Chae Young Hamil Anak Pertamanya

Aktris Han Chae Young telah mengumumkan bahwa dia hamil anak pertama setelah enam tahun menikah. Dia saat ini sudah hamil 11 minggu dan mengurus kesehatannya sambil terus syuting untuk drama KBS ' ‘Advertisement Genius Lee Tae Baek‘.

BH Entertainment mengkonfirmasi kabar baik ini "Han Chae Young akan menjadi seorang ibu setelah enam tahun menikah. Meskipun Han Chae Young saat ini sedang menjalani jadwal sibuk syuting, dia dan bayinya , keduanya sehat. Han Chae Young dan keluarganya tidak bisa menahan kegembiraan mereka setelah mendengar berita gembira. Kami meminta Anda untuk mendorong dan mengucapkan selamat pada momen paling bahagia dalam hidupnya. "

Meskipun sedang hamil, aktris akan melanjutkan dengan kegiatan yang dijadwalkan selama mungkin. Perwakilan berkomentar, "Han Chae Young akan mengambil tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang ibu baru dengan menjaga kesehatannya, untuk melanjutkan dengan karir aktingnya dan menjaga keluarganya juga."

Selamat kepada Han Chae Young dan keluarganya:)

Actress Han Chae Young has announced that she is expecting her first child after six years of marriage. She is currently 11 weeks into her pregnancy and is taking care of her health while continuing to film for the KBS drama ‘Advertisement Genius Lee Tae Baek‘.

BH Entertainment confirmed the good news of the 5th, “Han Chae Young will become a mother after six years of marriage. Although Han Chae Young is currently undergoing a busy filming schedule, her and her baby are both healthy. Han Chae Young and her family couldn’t contain their joy upon hearing the happy news. We ask that you encourage and congratulate her on the happiest moment of her life.”

Despite being pregnant, the actress will continue on with her scheduled activities as long as possible. A representative commented, “Han Chae Young will take on her responsibility of being a new mother by taking care of her health, to continue on with her acting career and look after her family as well.”

Congratulations to Han Chae Young and her family!


Doojoon B2ST mengungkapkan bagaimana perasaannya tentang aktingnya saat ia melihat dirinya di drama yang sangat populer 'IRIS 2'.

Doojoon saat ini aktif dalam drama aksi IRIS 2 sebagai salah satu karakter utama. Karakternya Seo Hyun Woo adalah agen, ramah pekerja keras, yang baik dalam segala hal .

Doojoon tersenyum malu-malu dan rendah hati berkata tentang aktingnya "Saya pikir itu memalukan."

Melihat bahwa Doojoon telah menerima pujian sejauh ini tentang aktingnya yang alami, sepertinya dia tidak harus terlalu khawatir

#Aq penasaran banget nech ama Doojoon B2ST , kayaknya dia Manly banget :)

B2ST‘s Doojoon revealed how he felt about his acting as he watched himself star on the highly hyped drama, ‘IRIS 2‘.

For anyone who hasn’t kept up, Doojoon’s currently active in the action drama as one of the leading characters. His character Seo Hyun Woo is a friendly, hardworking agent, who is good at pretty much everything.

Doojoon smiled sheepishly and humbly said, “I think it’s embarrassing.” However, seeing that as Doojoon has been receiving compliments so far about the natural-feel of his acting, it doesn’t seem like he should be too worried!


Penggemar INFINITE menyumbangkan £ 1.586 beras untuk fan meeting

Para anggota INFINITE mengadakan pertemuan penggemar dengan 2.000 fans.

Tentu saja, pertemuan penggemar untuk kelompok besar seperti INFINITE tidak lengkap tanpa beberapa sumbangan beras.

fanclubs L menyumbangkan 513 kg (£ 1128,6) beras dan Woohyun fanclub menyumbangkan 208 kg (£ 457,6) untuk total 721 kg (£ 1586,2). Beras akan dikirim ke badan amal pilihan oleh anggota untuk membantu anak-anak dan orang tua yang membutuhkan.

Wah L & Woohyun kayaknya yang paling Populer ya hehe

INFINITE fans donate 1,586 lbs of rice for fan meeting

While the INFINITE boys are gifting their fans for their 1001st day, the fans gave their own gift with their unchanging love for the group!

The members recently held a fan meeting with 2,000 fans, where they performed their top hits such as “Come Back Again“, “She’s Back“, “B.T.D“, “Nothing’s Over“, “Be Mine“, “Paradise“, and “The Chaser“. The boys even teased their fans on their comeback at the end of the event.

Of course, a fan meeting for a big group like INFINITE isn’t complete without some rice donations. Two of L‘s fanclubs came together to donate 513 kgs (1128.6 lbs) of rice, and Woohyun‘s fanclub donated an additional 208 kgs (457.6 lbs) for a total of 721 kgs (1586.2 lbs). The rice will be sent to a charity of choice by the members to help children and elderly in need.


SM Entertainment dan YG Entertainment mengungkapkan Pendapatan mereka di Tahun 2012 .

Kedua perusahaan merilis total penjualan mereka, pendapatan, dan laba bersih untuk tahun 2012. Hasil ini diperlukan sebagai auditor independen untuk mengaudit laporan laba untuk pemegang saham.Tidak ada perubahan besar dari hasil awal yang diharapkan dari tahun lalu.

SM Entertainment, mempertahankan posisi mereka sebagai label terbesar di industri hiburan. Mereka melaporkan pendapatan dari 168.560.155.987 KRW (sekitar $ 154.000.000 USD), yang merupakan peningkatan 53,5% dari tahun 2011. Dikurangi upah pekerja dan biaya produksi dari pendapatan membawa 47,821,232,494 KRW (sekitar $ 44.000.000 USD), yang merupakan kenaikan 133,2% dari tahun 2011. Laba bersih (setelah memperhitungkan semua biaya) juga meningkat 125,4% sejak 2011 mencapai 37177156185 KRW (sekitar $ 34 juta USD).

YG Entertainment memiliki total pendapatan dari 99,724,863,668 KRW (sekitar $ 91.000.000 USD), meningkat 59,4% dari tahun lalu. Dikurangi upah pekerja dan biaya produksi membawa 18,544,672,845 KRW (sekitar $ 17 juta USD), naik 20,3% dari tahun 2011. Laba bersih meningkat 45,4% dari tahun 2011 mencapai 17,113,443,533 KRW(sekitar $ 15.600.000 USD).

JYP Entertainment belum merilis hasil mereka untuk 2012.

#Itu duit semua ya ??? :D

SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment revealed their Fiscal Year 2012 Earning Results.

The two companies released their total sales, revenue, and net profit for 2012. These results are tentative as an independent auditor needs to audit the earnings report for the stock holders, however, no big changes from the initial results are expected.

SM Entertainment, maintains their claim as the biggest label in the entertainment industry. They reported revenue of 168,560,155,987 KRW (approximately $154 million USD), which is a 53.5% increase from 2011. Deducting the wages of the workers and production costs from the revenue brings in 47,821,232,494 KRW (approximately $44 million USD), which is a 133.2% increase from 2011. The net profit (after calculating all expenses) has also increased 125.4% since 2011 to reach 37,177,156,185 KRW (approximately $34 million USD).

YG Entertainment had a total revenue of 99,724,863,668 KRW (approximately $91 million USD), a 59.4% increase from last year. Deducting the wages of workers and production costs brings in 18,544,672,845 KRW (approximately $17 million USD), a 20.3% increase from 2011. The net profit increased 45.4% from 2011 to reach 17,113,443,533 KRW (approximately $15.6 million USD).

JYP Entertainment has yet to release their results for 2012.


Jessica SNSD mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun pada Park Min Young

Jessica yang berteman dekat dengan Park Min Young mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun pada Park Min Young yang merayakan ultah ke 27 nya (usia Internasional) pada 4 Maret KST.

Jessica memposting, “Happy birthday sis♥. Love ya! -Jessi-,” dan memperbarui fotor profil nya dengan satu set foto dari dua bintang cantik Jessica & Park Min Young

#Saengil Chuka Hamnida eonnie #colek Umi Cintanya Lie Minho nggak ngucapin nech ??

Girls’ Generation’s Jessica congratulates Park Min Young on her birthday

Well-known close friends Girls’ Generation‘s Jessica and actress Park Min Young got a little cuddly for their latest selca together. The Girls’ Generation member updated her UFO Town profile to congratulate Park Min Young, who celebrated her 27th (International age) birthday on March 4th KST.

Jessica posted, “Happy birthday sis♥. Love ya! -Jessi-,” and updated her profile picture with a photo set of the two gorgeous stars having what looks to be a slumber party.

Fans commented, “Pretty people hang out together,” “The way they smile is pretty,” and “They look alike.”

Happy Birthday to Park Min Young!


Baru-baru ini pada papan buletin komunitas online, beberapa foto diupload dengan judul, "Goddess actress di set drama."

Dalam gambar adalah aktris Song Hye Gyo, yang berbaik hati memberikan tanda tangan kepada fans yang datang ke set dari drama SBS “That Winter, The Wind Blows.”

Meskipun foto belum photoshopped, Song Hye Gyo masih terlihat sempurna. Dengan kulit mulus dan fitur wajah yang indah, maka tidak mengherankan bahwa Song Hye Gyo dijuluki "sang dewi."

Netizens yang melihat foto-foto itu mengagumi kecantikan Song Hye Kyo dan berkomentar "Song Hye Gyo begitu indah," "Anda adalah pemenang"! "Dia adalah aktris yang paling populer saat ini."

#Eonnieku numerooooo uno #colek Yari Safari Yana

Recently on an online community bulletin board, several photos were uploaded under the title, “Goddess actress at the drama set.”

In the pictures is actress Song Hye Gyo, who is kindly giving autographs to the fans that came to the set of SBS’s drama “That Winter, The Wind Blows.” Even though the photos have not been photoshopped, Song Hye Gyo still looks perfect. With her flawless skin and beautiful facial features, it is no wonder that Song Hye Gyo is nicknamed “the goddess.”

Netizens that saw these pictures admired, “Song Hye Gyo is so beautiful,” “You are the winner!” “She is the most popular actress nowadays.”


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