CN Blue′s Hong Kong concert was not only a showcase for the band′s skills, but also its friendship.

On May 12, CN Blue performed in its Hong Kong concert for its world tour, the 2013 World Tour - Blue Moon.

This day, the members had a special treat prepared for member Lee Jong Hyun. The event took place after the band had finished singing its last song I′m Sorry and its encore track Hey You.

Love Girl started playing, and a cake with candles along with a bundle of flowers appeared onstage as the members continued to smile at Lee Jong Hyun. The event celebrated Lee Jong Hyun′s birthday, which was coming up on May 15.

Lee Jong Hyun blew out the candles and didn′t hide how happy he felt. Fans also sang happy birthday in a warm mood.

CN Blue will next perform in Seoul from May 25-26.

Konser CN Blue Hong Kong tidak hanya sebuah karya untuk keterampilan band, tetapi juga persahabatan.

Pada tanggal 12 Mei, CN Biru tampil di konser Hong Kong untuk tur dunianya, 2013 World Tour - Blue Moon.

Hari ini, para anggota CN Blue mempersiapkan perlakuan khusus untuk anggota Lee Jong Hyun. Acara berlangsung setelah band ini telah selesai menyanyikan lagu yang terakhir  I′m Sorry & Hey You.

"Love Girl"  mulai bermain dan kue dengan lilin bersama dengan seikat bunga muncul di panggung dan anggota CN Blue terus tersenyum pada Lee Jong Hyun. Acara ini merayakan ulang tahun Lee Jong Hyun, yang datang pada tanggal 15 Mei.

Lee Jong Hyun meniup lilin dan tidak menyembunyikan betapa bahagianya ia merasa. Fans juga bernyanyi happy birthday dalam suasana hati yang hangat.

CN Blue berikutnya akan tampil di Seoul dari 25-26 Mei.

#Saengil Chuka Hamnidaaaaa  Lee Jong Hyun oppa :D


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