CN Blue partied up in Hong Kong with its exclusive concert.

From May 10-11, the band held a concert in its fourth city for its world tour concert, the 2013 World Tour - Blue Moon.

A total of 14,000 fans watched on as the band performed during these two days. The concerts were CN Blue′s second in Hong Kong, and again managed to leave a big impression by selling out all tickets as soon as they were made available.

Only one concert was originally scheduled to take place, but after tickets sold out in just five minutes, another concert was added to the schedule.

To repay their fans for their passion, the band members performed 23 hits onstage in a splendid lineup.

The concert started with the band′s second Japanese single Where You Are, composed by member Jung Yong Hwa. The 7,000 fans who had been holding up their blue light sticks in the arena scream aloud to the music.

The members said, "We′re back in Hong Kong. It′s such a lovely night. We′re feeling great, and we′re so thankful. We love Hong Kong. We even have ′I Love Hong Kong′ t-shirts."

The concert continued with Man Like Me, Coffee Shop, Have a Good Night, Wake Up, Love Light, Tattoo, In My Head, Heartstrings and more. Every song came alive with the band′s history and each member′s shining charms.

The highlight of the concert was, of course, the hit song medley. The band went on to sing such big hits as Loner, Intuition, Love and I′m Sorry. Fans sang along to every song, shaking the venue with their voices.

On the second day, a birthday party was even held for member Lee Jong Hyun, making the concert a more memorable experience.

CN Blue will next return to Korea to hold more concerts from May 25-26. It will then continue on to Australia, the Philippines, Beijing, Malaysia and Guangzhou.

CN Blue berpesta di Hong Kong dengan konser eksklusif.
Dari 10-11 Mei 2013, band ini menggelar konser di kota keempat untuk konser tur dunia nya, 2013 World Tour - Blue Moon.
Sebanyak 14.000 penggemar menyaksikan  band ini tampil selama dua hari. Konser yang kedua CN Blue di Hong Kong, dan lagi berhasil meninggalkan kesan yang besar dengan menjual semua tiket segera setelah tersedia.
Hanya satu konser awalnya dijadwalkan berlangsung, tapi setelah tiket terjual habis hanya dalam waktu lima menit, konser lain ditambahkan ke jadwal.
Untuk membayar penggemar mereka untuk semangat mereka, para anggota band ini tampil membawakan 23 hit di panggung dalam lineup indah.
Konser dimulai dengan single kedua Jepang  mereka Where You Are, disusun oleh anggota Jung Yong Hwa. 7.000 fans yang telah memegang Lighstick biru mereka dalam arena berteriak keras diantara musik.
Para anggota mengatakan, "Kami sudah kembali di Hong Kong. Ini seperti malam yang indah. Kami merasa hebat, dan kami sangat bersyukur. Kami mencintai Hong Kong. Kami bahkan memiliki t-shirt  'I Love Hong Kong'  "
Konser dilanjutkan dengan Man Like Me, Coffee Shop, Have a Good Night, Wake Up, Love Light, Tattoo, In My Head, Heartstringsdan banyak lagi.
Puncak konser itu, tentu saja, lagu hit medley. Band ini terus menyanyi hits besar seperti Loner, Intuition, Love dan I′m Sorry.Fans bernyanyi bersama untuk setiap lagu..
Pada hari kedua, pesta ulang tahun bahkan diadakan untuk anggota Lee Jong Hyun, membuat konser memberi pengalaman yang lebih mengesankan.
CN Blue berikutnya akan kembali ke Korea untuk mengadakan konser dari 25-26 Mei dan kemudian akan melanjutkan ke Australia, Filipina, Beijing, Malaysia dan Guangzhou.


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