IU picked her own best friend as her role model in life.

The singer spoke at the public shoot for the KBS2 drama You′re the Best Lee Soo Shin held on May 13 at a restaurant in Cheongdam.

About her role model, she said, "[Yoo] In Na unni (big sister) is a lovely person. If I could live any life as a woman, I would want to live a lovely life like In Na unni′s."

This isn′t the first time IU chose Yoo In Na as her role model, as she also said the same in her recent appearance on KBS2′s Happy Together 3.

She then added, "If my role model as a woman is In Na unni, I would pick Jung Dong Hwan as an actor. I want to become an actor who helps co-stars get into their roles, and leaves behind an afterglow even after the drama′s conclusion."

IU appears in the drama as the youngest daughter of Jung Dong Hwan′s role. The secret behind her birth is that she was born between him and a top actress named Song Mi Ryung (Lee Mi Sook).

The drama will be about how Lee Soon Shin overcomes the conflict sprouting from the secret and happily joins her family.

The public shoot showed the scene where Lee Soon Shin realizes that Song Mi Ryung is her mother. The scene will air on the May 18 broadcast.
IU memilih sahabatnya sendiri sebagai panutan dalam hidupnya di acara shoot publik untuk drama KBS2 You′re the Best Lee Soo Shin yang  diadakan pada 13 Mei di sebuah restoran di Cheongdam.

Dia berkata, "[Yoo] In Na Unni (kakak) adalah orang yang cantik. Jika aku bisa  lebih hidup sebagai seorang wanita, saya ingin hidup yang indah seperti In Na Unni."
Ini bukan pertama kalinya IU memilih Yoo In Na sebagai panutannya, karena dia juga mengatakan hal yang sama dalam penampilan terakhir nya di KBS2 Happy Together 3.
Ia kemudian menambahkan, "Jika panutan saya sebagai seorang wanita In Na Unni, saya akan memilih Jung Dong Hwan sebagai seorang aktor. Aku ingin menjadi seorang aktor yang membantu lawan mainnya masuk ke peran mereka, dan meninggalkan sebuah Perasaan Senang bahkan setelah kesimpulan drama. "

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