Although the marriage announcement has been out, it still surprised Baek Ji Young, when her fiancé, Jung Seok Won got down on one knee to formally propose.

On May 11, Baek Ji Young held her Going Out After Seven Years concert in
Jeonju during her national tour. In the middle of the concert, a surprise guest appeared on the screen, surprising both the audience and Baek Ji Young.

In the video, Jung Seok Won confessed that he wasn’t able to go to her concerts during the three months they’ve been dating and promised to go see when they get married.

All of the sudden, Jung Seok Won appeared on the stage, making Baek Ji Young burst into happy tears.

“I came here in surprise without letting Baek Ji Young know,” said Jung Seok Won. “I really wanted to propose to her, but we were both busy that it was always words and not action. So today I asked my movie director to free up some time for me and now I’m here.”

He then got down on one knee and asked, “Will you marry me?”
Baek Ji Young continued to cry in happiness as she accepted his rose, saying, “Of course.”

The audience began to chant “Kiss! Kiss!” and the happy couple obeyed.

As he exited, Jung Seok Won asked the audience to continue loving and supporting Baek Ji Young.

The proposal was broadcasted through MBC′s Section TV on May 12.

Meskipun pengumuman pernikahan telah keluar, Namun Baek Ji Young masih terkejut ketika tunangannya, Jung Seok Won berlutut untuk secara resmi melamarnya.

Pada tanggal 11 Mei, Baek Ji Young konser solo setelah 7 tahun karirnya di Jeonju . Di tengah konser, seorang tamu kejutan muncul di layar, mengejutkan  penonton dan Baek Ji Young.

Dalam video tersebut, Jung Seok Won mengaku bahwa ia tidak bisa pergi ke konsernya selama tiga bulan setelah mereka berkencan dan berjanji untuk pergi melihat ketika mereka menikah.

Semua tiba-tiba, Jung Seok Won muncul di panggung, membuat Baek Ji Young tak mampu menahan air mata bahagia.

"Saya datang ke sini karena ingin memberi kejutan tanpa membiarkan Baek Ji Young tahu," kata Jung Seok Won. "Saya benar-benar ingin melamarnya, tapi kami berdua sibuk sehingga selalu kata-kata dan tindakan tidak bisa terlaksana. Jadi hari ini saya bertanya pada  sutradara film saya untuk izin beberapa waktu bagi saya dan sekarang aku di sini. "

Dia kemudian berlutut dan bertanya, "Maukah kau menikah denganku?"
Baek Ji Young terus menangis dalam kebahagiaan saat menerima mawar dan  mengatakan, "Tentu saja."

Para penonton mulai bernyanyi "ciuman! Cium! "Dan pasangan bahagia mematuhi.

Saat ia keluar, Jung Seok Won meminta penonton untuk terus mencintai dan mendukung Baek Ji Young.
Lamaran  itu disiarkan melalui MBC Section TV pada 12 Mei 2013

#Huaaaaaaaaaa so sweeettttt bikin syirik aja hahaha


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