Kim Rae Won Joins Management Agency of Lee Bum Soo and Lee Jin Wook

Actor Kim Rae Won marks a new start in his career. According to reports in local news agencies, the actor has signed with a new management agency. He is now under the management of HB Entertainment, the agency that handles the careers of his fellows Lee Bum Soo, Lee Jin Wook, Ji Jin Hee and Jo Sung Ha, among others.

“Kim Rae Won has carved a place in the acting world with his star performances in dramas and movies. It is with confidence that he signs with HB Entertainment, a professional management company for bettering his career in terms of choosing his projects and scheduling his work activities,” the announcement is quoted as saying.

Kim Rae Won debuted in 1997 and steadily achieved leading man status through his dramas “My Love Patzzi,” “Attic Cat,” “Love Story in Harvard” and “Which Star Are You From?” and films “…ing” and “My Little Bride.” He came back to the scene after his mandatory military service in 2011, through the romantic drama “A Thousand Days’ Promise.”

Aktor Kim Rae Won menandai awal baru dalam karirnya. Menurut laporan di kantor berita setempat, aktor ini telah menandatangani kontrak dengan agen manajemen baru. Dia sekarang di bawah manajemen HB Entertainment, lembaga yang menangani karir rekan-rekannya antara lain Lee Bum Soo, Lee Jin Wook, Ji Jin Hee dan Jo Sung Ha.

"Kim Rae Won telah mengukir tempat di dunia akting dengan penampilannya dalam drama dan film. Hal ini dengan keyakinan bahwa dia menandatangani dengan HB Entertainment, sebuah perusahaan manajemen profesional untuk memperbaiki karirnya dalam hal memilih proyek dan penjadwalan kegiatan karyanya, " mengutip pengumuman yang dirilis.

Kim Rae Won memulai debutnya pada tahun 1997 dan terus menjadi pemeran utama melalui drama nya "My Love Patzzi," "Cat Attic," "Love Story In Harvard" dan “Which Star Are You From?” Dan film  “Ing” & “My Little Bride.”  

Dia kembali ke dunia hiburan setelah wajib militer nya pada tahun 2011, melalui drama romantis  “A Thousand Days’ Promise.”

#mudah-mudahan karir oppa makin sukses :)

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